March 15th Brand Clean of the right in Brazil – 14/03/2025 – Power

by Andrea

On the eve of again, they are ten years from a crucial to the right in the mobilization by () and five from another movement that indicated a turn of the then president, (), in the escalation of attacks on other powers.

Right and left experts and politicians point to those demonstrations as key moments in recent history, which increased friction between the institutions.

Although they occurred in different contexts, protests for Dilma’s impeachment and pro-Bolsonaro acts were loaded with common messages, especially criticism of the Supreme Court (STF) performance and requests for military intervention.

“There have been several right-wing demonstrations against the Supreme, even during the government of Jair Bolsonaro, which caused enormous discomfort between the powers. The STF and Congress have been, since the Dilma government, suffering attacks,” says Marcos Antônio Teixeira, a political scientist and professor at FGV (Getúlio Vargas Foundation).

Mobilization means hitherto used on the left, the street demonstrations organized by the right were a way to dispute this territory and press the directions that would be taken on the economic and political crisis in the country, says Luiza Folran, a researcher of the political debate in the digital environment.

On March 15, 2015, the protests against Dilma reached all the capitals of the country, bringing together thousands of people – most of them wearing green and yellow, colors of the Brazilian flag. The protests took place amid a scenario of discharge in unemployment, inflation and corruption scandals revealed by.

The biggest act occurred in Paulista, in São Paulo, where Datafolha accounted for the presence of 210,000 people, despite the rain that hit the state capital that day.

Deputy (), candidate for presidency defeated by Dilma in the second round of 2014, says the protests were a consequence of the government’s bad decisions in the area of ​​the economy.

For him, both movements that occurred during the governments of Dilma and Bolsonaro were legitimate, although the mandates led by opposite ideologies “feedback to polarization”, which matters to the two political fields.

“During this decade, the political center has been moved,” he says. “This polarization is delaying Brazil.”

Five years later, in 2020, the crowd dressed in green and yellow again took the streets. The agenda was the support for the then president. The pockets claimed that the legislature and the judiciary were disturbing the Bolsonaro government.

At that time, Covid’s pandemic was beginning in Brazil. Days earlier, on the 11th, the government had decreed a state of calamity due to coronavirus. During the March 15 protests, coronavirus was called “lie” by leaders who spoke on sound trucks.

At the time, the agent denied that the demonstration be against the institutions. “It’s not against anything, it’s a movement in favor of Brazil,” he said.

“Bolsonaro surfed the wave of impeachment and Lava Jato and, in a very capable way, reversed reality, saying that the actors of these important movements would have surfed where it,” says Councilwoman Janaína Paschoal (PP), who became known when she came with Dilma’s request for impediment.

“He inaugurates a new kind of demonstration, those that come from the people, while responding to the call of a government. In his disputes with Congress and the Supreme Court, he used these mobilization mechanisms to reinforce his positions. The inauguration of a new way of doing politics,” says Luiza Folran.

President of the PT in 2015, Deputy Rui Falcão (PT) does not believe that the demonstrations during the Dilma government were a turn of right -wing movements in the country. For him, “the serpent egg was implemented long before, when Dilma refused to place antitetic requests from the political class.”

“The overthrow of the government has left the gap for the population to believe that the institutions can be overthrown at any time,” he says.

The deputy reported to Sheet Which, at the time of the 2015 demonstrations, suggested to the then President Dilma to make a “call to the population”, but that the government decided to try to rank impeachment at the institutional level, which did not work.

“I watched the base leaving the government. One day I was on the Plateau with an advisor when an minister passed us with his head down. My advisor said, ‘There comes a traitor,'” he said.

This Sunday (16), supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro perform an act in favor of amnesty in Copacabana, Rio. The researcher and political analyst Julia Almeida analyzes that the act is a continuation of the strategy used by the right in the last decade.

“Keeping its base mobilized was fundamental to the maintenance of its political capital. This is when Bolsonaro bets now, with its own version for indictment by attempted coup,” he says.


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