Spring is knocking on the door and it is time for a big cleaning. Discover simple but effective ways to achieve perfectly clean windows effortlessly and unnecessary polishing.
The sun’s rays penetrating through dirty windows can reveal every smudge and dirt that has accumulated during the winter months. Instead of expensive cleaning products, try verified home tricks that save you time, money and guarantee a perfect result.
When and how best to wash windows? The secret of the perfect timing
The best time to wash windows is during a warm but cloudy day. Why? Sharp sunlight causes too fast drying of the detergent, leading to the formation of nasty smudges. After winter, the windows are usually heavily soiled, so make your work easier with the right work. First, clean them with water with a little detergent for dishes that dissolve grease and coarse dirt. Simply vacuum the inner parts of the frames to remove the accumulated dust.
Miraculous home mix that replaces all expensive preparations
Forget expensive cleaning products! The most effective and at the same time the most ecological solution is the preparation of its own detergent. You only need three simple ingredients:
- 1 cup of hot water
- 1 cup of white vinegar
- 1 drop of glycerin
For a more pleasant fragrance, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Pour this mixture into a sprayer and use as a conventional detergent. It is important that you only clean the glasses with this household means. It is better to clean the window frames with a fine detergent to avoid damaging the seals.
Homemade vinegar -based means with the addition of glycerin ensures vibrant and clean windows for a long time. Glycerin forms a protective layer on the glass that slows down the deposition of dust and dirt.
How to whiten the yellowed window frames? A simple trick that works
It is also worthwhile to use home remedies to clean plastic white window frames. Prepare this effective mixture:
- 1.5 glass of water
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
- 1/3 of a glass of vinegar
- 1 teaspoon of detergent for dishes
Pour the mixture into a sprayer, apply to a microfiber cloth and clean the frames. This natural remedy effectively dissolves grease and gives the frame shine.
In case of yellowed plastic frames, try bicarbonate -based paste. Add a small amount of vinegar to 2 tablespoons of this powder to produce a paste. Apply a small amount to the yellowed parts of the frames, massage and rinse after a few minutes. Soda effectively bleached the most durable staining.
What best to wash the windows? This material is the key to success
Best for washing windows are microfiber cloths that easily capture dirt, are absorbent and do not leave smudges. Ideal are those with a weight of 250-300 g/m² with a visible binding. If you see some smudges on the glass, you can also use the trick of our grandmothers. Just wipe the glass with unused nylon stockings. Several movements and smudges will not be left, while the windows will shine from a distance.
How to avoid smudges when washing windows? Do not make this mistake