New fuel descent: One of the cheapest posts is in the Algarve

by Andrea
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From next Monday, March 17, the Portuguese will feel another relief in the wallet by supplying their vehicles. For the fourth consecutive week, fuel prices continue to go down both in diesel and simple gasoline 95.

How much will you save with this descent?

Average fuel prices continue to lower, following the international trend of oil markets. According to the latest data, the average price of Simple 95 gasoline in Portugal is at 1.692 euros per liter, while simple diesel currently costs 1.601 euros per liter.

The new update foresees a descent of about 0.0175 euros in diesel and 0.0025 euros in gasoline 95. For consumers, this means attesting to a 60 -liter deposit will be about 1.8 euros cheaper in the case of gasoline and 48 cents in the case of diesel. Still, Portugal continues to have one of the highest prices in Europe, with the 95 gasoline costing more 3.33 cents than the European average and 15.9 cents more than in Spain. In diesel, the difference to the neighboring country is 13.4 cents.

Own brand gasolineiras have lower prices

Those who want to save money should look for white brands supply posts, which continue to offer the most competitive prices. Data from the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG) reveal that the posts of Intermarché, Auchan and Plenoil have some of the lowest prices in the country.

For example, as the Vila Real de Santo António Intermarché, Algarve, is selling simple gasoline 95 to 1,529 euros per liter, while the Vilar Formoso Intermarché has simple diesel at 1,459 euros per liter. These values ​​contrast with those of the main national gasolineiras, where prices remain higher.


Where to find the cheapest fuels?

For those looking for cheaper fuel, supply posts located in hypermarkets and commercial areas are the best bet. Here are some of the places with the lowest prices for gasoline 95:

  • Intermarché of Vila Real de Santo António: 1,529 €/liter
  • Intermarché de Vilar Formoso: 1.539 €/liter
  • Auchan Matosinhos: 1.559 €/liter

For simple diesel, the most affordable prices can be found at these posts:

  • Intermarché de Vilar Formoso: 1,459 €/liter
  • Intermarché of Vila Real de Santo António: 1,469 €/liter
  • Auchan Matosinhos: 1,479 €/liter

Portugal continues between countries with more expensive fuels

Despite recent fuel descents, Portugal remains at the top of the countries list at the most expensive prices of the European Union. According to a European Commission newsletter, Gasoline 95 in our country is the 9th most expensive in European space, while diesel occupies the 10th position.

The high fiscal load and the operating costs of gasolineiras are some of the factors that contribute to this reality. Still, with a strategic choice of the place of supply, it is possible to minimize impacts on the family budget.

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