Pansies can bloom until October. All you have to do is do it after buying

by Andrea
Pansies can bloom until October. All you have to do is do it after buying

Brushes are one of the most popular flowers in our country. They are beautiful, colorful and relatively easy to grow. They have a unique charm, which is why they often decorate gardens, containers on terraces and balconies of various generations of Poles.

They can bloom throughout the season until autumn, but they are not indestructible. Don’t forget that they look beautiful and not withered too quickly, you must care for them properly. Provide them with optimal conditions and remember about one simple trick that should be made after purchasing the brother’s cuttings in the store.

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Are you going for brother’s seedlings in early spring? After purchase, do not forget to perform an important procedure. This is a simple trick, but the plants on which you use it will feel much better and present.

Plants in garden stores are usually stored in rooms, greenhouses or insulated hallsSo, if you put them out immediately outside, they can experience a thermal shock.

In order not to expose them to a rapid temperature leap, For 2-3 days, put your pansies for 15 minutes outside, 2-3 times a day to harden them. Thanks to this, they will get used to variable weather conditions before they are exaggerated and set in a destination.

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Puffs usually feel best in semi -shaded positions, sheltered from strong winds. They grow well in the eastern or western part of the garden/ balcony in fertile soil with a slightly acidic reaction (5.0 – 5.8 pH).

You can add peat to the standard soil to slightly improve their conditions. JIf it comes to how to care for pansies, the most important thing is their regular watering. It’s best to do it every evening or in the morningunless rains are forecast.

The point is that the substrate does not dry. By irrigating pansies, be careful not to help their leaves and flowers, because then they can get sick. Mushroom infections that threaten them are primarily meets of the alleged powdery mildew or root rotwhich is manifested by inhibition of growth and the browning of the plant.

Fytoftorosis or gray mold can be threatening to the brotherly. If you notice disturbing symptoms, react. Regularly remove flowers and sick leaves.


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