He had not dressed short, that his left shoulder demanded rest. He bit his nails, impatient because his recess time never arrived. Or, at least, he seemed like his Barça, who was punctured by the parquet. But Kevin Pinter returned to say his, to explain that his basketball is still intact, that everything is possible with him. A war cry in which Barcelona already takes refuge, an indefinite team, as energetic as an anemic in others. It lacks solidity, a clear road map that is not to deliver the ball to the free verses -Punter and Parker -also reliability and hierarchy to submit PE to PA rivals, even to impose themselves in hot times. That has given, seasoned with numerous and low capitals, with, overwhelmed in the league – where it goes seventh and still is not clear about its presence in the playoffs ACB— and in. It is shield in the Euroleague ,. But with inspired apron, nothing is a chimera.
Two minutes after starting the match, Joan Peñarroya requested a dead time while lifting his shoulders as a sign of helplessness, an dismayed and crooked gesture. His team, in a version that is already usual, went to the track to see them come, trust his wrist and little else. Without brío or intensity, with how it is usually measured with results, even with pedigree players. Beat to slap, 3-13, ten points below to open mouth. But little or nothing served their harangues like Satoransky burst the hoop or that a dance was marked to turn around. The Canadian Mike dicked Barça with his three triples to the joy of the improvised Serbian boiler that occurred in the Palau, a pavilion that gives rival hobbies free while paying, as already happened with the Greek sets Olympiacos and Panathinaikos. Until Kevin Punter entered.
“It has been horrible, absolutely horrible being without basketball. Very boring, ”Pinter resolved before the meeting. It is not difficult to imagine repanting on the couch, with the white inner shirt that always carries, devouring Netflix series or looking at the musarañas, perhaps sliding on the mobile photos of his beloved orange ball. His is jumping on the court. And so he explained as soon as he receives the ball. Brizuela joined to try to replicate Mike Ya Brown, who also counted three peripheral goals. A lot of three and little Barça sauce, 25-32 in the first chapter.
But there was more apron. Bola to the side, jump and release in suspension, another triple and the Palau delivered to Your beast, that stirred his hand to symbolize the crushing, to solivate his fans and thus feed the azulgran dreams. A robbery and a tray were missing, a alley-oop With Anderson – who repeated flight without propellers to Hernangómez’s pass – and the fifth memory (of six attempts) of Tres. Enough to quell the Serbian screaming, also for Barça to take the lead. A player was enough to resuscitate the Barca team, denosted on the parquet by own demerit, then and his basketball of Frac and Bombín. 54-41 to the interraction; From Barça more grayish to Barça de Punter.
The break did not cool the dolls, triple everywhere -satoransky, metu and open for Barça; Ntilikina, Marinkovic and Davies for the party-, snipe pulse. But the Toma and Daca, in addition to the permanent tara of the defensive rebound, ended up choking the Barca, who lost volts with the rotations, in the same way that the rival, supported by Davies’s tino and by a much more aguerrida defense, indicated that the Serbian heraldry does not allow to lower the head before time. The 16 advantage points were reduced to two, in the end 73-67 after one last sprint of Barça with the final episode to be disputed.
It happened then that the nerves shrunk the arms, that the players were discussed in a bad way with the hoop, two minutes and media without baskets to palate. In the next two, only a Satoransky tray and a triple of Brown. There was no fluidity, clarity of ideas or playing with contact, a basketball of the most offered. Disaster to which the party partial was rebelled, led by Jones and dotted by Mike, again between narrows. He asked for the turn and the Plant ball, already on the track, infallible free throws to raise his account to 25 points ,. A new adrenaline chute for the Barca, as fragile in the mood as effervescent when its franchise player acted as such. And that was already enough to beat the party – also filled for their lack of success in the free throw line – so that Barça celebrated the triumph that cries at the play-off of the Euroleague. There are five days left, three of them at home, and a lot to see.