The investment time in the European defense industry has begun. Portugal wants to make its contribution, and has an asset in the manga – intellectual capital.
Europe has entered a new era of rearmament, given the climbing of international tensions. The president of the European Commission Usrula von der Leyen announced this month in defense by the European Union.
Thales is a giant French defense industry, which has arrived in Portugal for several years. THE Thales Edisoft He is headquartered in Paço de Arcos, and wants to put the country in the bow of the European rearmament ship.
“What we do inside Thales Edisoft, from Paço de Arcos, is very competitive. The engineers we have here are state of the artare the best. They are here but they could be in any top company in the world. ” Thus says the company’s executive president, Sérgio Barbedo, to.
“We are carrying capital intelectual (brainware) high level, we developed top engineering systemsand this could be the surplus value of Portugal in the sophisticated and competitive European defense industry that will jump in the coming years, ”he says.
The Portuguese company has an engineering center specializing in naval control and control systems, which can be very useful in combat situations. There is yet another center specialized in air traffic management.
“Thales operates from Portugal to the whole world. Provides the command and control system for the English, German and Polaca sea. The Portuguese team gives letters in the management of air traffic: it is the world number one in the aeronautical messaging system flight -plans [Top Sky AMHS] and number three in the track movements mapping system [Top Sky Tower]”, He explains Barbedo.
For Thales director in Portugal, the country “can and should” contribute to the European defense industry, which has increasingly investment. As? “Selling Brainware”.
“We have to attract part of the capabilities that Europe will create in defense And for that we have to know how to make the right acquisitions, we have to plan them and we have to do them together with our allies, ”he concludes, and “We have in Portugal companies capable of providing All types of systems that the Armed Forces may need it. ”