This baking does not belong to the classics – not everyone ate Sasanka cake. It is certain, however, that once you try it once, it’s hard to stop thinking about him.
Ingredients for vanilla sponge cake:
- 4 eggs,
- 80 g of cake flour,
- 20 g of potato starch,
- 120 g of fine sugar,
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract,
- A pinch of salt.
Ingredients for poppy seed sponge cake:
- 1 egg,
- 2 proteins,
- 80 g of fine sugar,
- 80 g of cake flour,
- 80 g of dry poppy seeds,
- ½ teaspoon baking powder.
Ingredients for pudding cream:
- 2 vanilla puddings (2×40 g),
- 700 ml of milk,
- 100 g cukru,
- 2 yolks,
- 200 g of butter.
- about 350 g of drilled cherries (after pouring the pickle),
- whipped cream (for decoration).
Heat eggs and butter to room temperature.
Prepare vanilla sponge cake. Separate the protein from the yolks. Proteins with a pinch of salt beaten with a foam mixer. After 2-3 minutes (when the foam is not yet stiff), add sugar in batches, and then after one yolk. Turn off the mixer. Gently mix the vanilla extract into the foam with a spatula, and then sifted flour.
Pour the dough into a 20×30 cm mold lined with baking paper. Put in the oven preheated to 170 ° C. Bake for about 45 minutes (to a dry stick). When the sponge cake cools down, cut it into two countertops.
Prepare a poppy seed sponge cakecombining ingredients in the same order as in the case of vanilla sponge cake. Sift the flour together with baking powder. Add the poppy seed at the end – gently mix it into the dough with a spatula.
Pour the dough into the form lined with paper – the same in which the vanilla sponge cake was baked. Bake a sponge cake in an oven preheated to 170 ° C – bake for about 40 minutes (for a dry stick). When the sponge cake cools down, cut the upper part from it to level the surface.
Prepare a pudding cream. Dissolve the pudding powder in about 200 ml of milk. Boil the rest of the milk. Grate the yolks with sugar to a fluffy mass, and then combine with the warehouse to the pudding. Pour it into boiling milk and mix thoroughly. Cook for a moment slowly, stirring constantly. Set aside to cool completely.
Mind the butter to fluff. Without interrupting grinding, add a cool pudding to it in batches. Strain cherries from the pickle. Put a little to decorate. Put on the first of the countertops of the vanilla sponge cake. Spread half the cherry on it. Gently press them into the cream and cover them with a poppy seed sponge cake. Spread the other half of the cream on it and spread the remaining cherries. Place the second vanilla sponge cake top on top. Put in the fridge for a few hours. Before serving, decorate the dough with whipped cream (it can be spray) and cherries.
See also:
The best yeast dough. Avoid these mistakes during baking
Simple ingredients, insane effect. Podlasiak’s cake will taste the whole family
A cult cake from the times of the Polish People’s Republic. Fluffy, delicate sponge cake and cream pudding