Gardeners are more and more willing to use home fertilizers in vegetables. Such natural products, prepared independently, are cheap, ecological and, above all, effective. Thanks to them, the plants bear fruit very well in the season. That is why it is worth starting to fertilize tomatoes with … oatmeal.
Growing tomatoes is not difficult, but we must stick to the most important care rules to enjoy crops. In question?
These plants in fertile, permeable, humus soil o light acidic pH desk, an induceable 5.5 to 6.5. The place should be sunny and warmprotected from winds and drafts.
We water the tomatoes regularly so that their soil is constantly moist. However, it cannot be soaked, because then the roots will rot. We hydrate cuttings in the morning or evening, avoiding soaking leaves, which will reduce the risk of fungal diseases.
We also cannot forget about these plants. They need minerals so that they grow healthy and abundant. We recommend supplying specimens with natural nutrients. This time we will focus on a fertilizer from oatmeal.
Oatmeal contains minerals, i.e. nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, thanks to which tomatoes develop the root system properly. Therefore, seedlings become stronger, their fruiting is better.
In addition, this breakfast product improves the soil structure, which also promotes the proper development and better fruiting of plants. So how do you prepare such a natural fertilizer?
At the beginning Mix 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with 1 cup of lukewarm water. Set aside for a few hours, preferably for the whole night. Then the flakes will become swollen, and the nutrients from them will be released into the water.
At the end We strain the liquid and water it with tomato seedlings once a week. Let’s not do this more often so as not to overdo the amount of nutrients. In this case, the plants will not grow properly.
Before using this natural conditioner, we recommend watering the tomatoes with the water itself. Fertilization of dry soil may be less effective because the nutrients will not spread evenly, and the plants will have difficult consumption.
To sum up, the regular use of this conditioner in combination with proper care will allow you to enjoy strong and abundantly croping plants. Certainly, everyone envies such fruits for us.