For 20 years the dams of the levent of the Algarve had not had the reserves with such high levels. Given the rain that has fallen in the last two weeks, the Permanent Dry Commission has decided to relieve restrictions on water consumption to 5%.
In a matter of weeks, the rain that fell led the Algarve from a drought situation, the imminence of having to advance with discharges in at least one dam, already next week because it gets closer to precipitation.
In view of the new scenario, the drought follow-up committee decided, on Friday, in Faro, to relieve restrictive measures.
So far, the urban sector was obliged to cuts of 10% and agriculture and tourism at 13%, compared to the 2019 consumptions – the reference year. Cut of cuts to 5% is seen as well as good news
In the case of agriculture, the management of 5% cuts will be implemented differently, depending on the situation of different watering perimeters. Farmers from Silves, Lagoa and Portimão, with severe cuts since 2021, hope to be offset now
Contrary to the reinforcement of the dams, the water of the last days, soaked the land, but has not yet reached aquifers. Underground reserves remain in the red. The restrictions on groundwater remains.