The former president said on Saturday (15) that the institutions created in the democratic transition started after (1964-1985) are strong and avoided one.
“I think these events were extremely harmful and, at the same time, disgusted by the Brazilian people and all classes,” Sarney said when asked about the complaint against the former president (PL) and 33 people.
“But we are sure that the institutions that were created by us during the transition were so strong – there were two impeachments, an attempt to change the rule of law on January 8 – that now, freely, our Supreme Court is judging what he determines to be guilty,” he added.
The former president made the statement to the press at the beginning of the event “Democracy 40 years: achievements, debts and challenges”, promoted by the Astrojildo Pereira Foundation and the Citizenship Party in celebration of the 40th anniversary of Sarney’s inauguration in the presidency of the Republic.
The event takes place at, in, built in Sarney management to honor the country’s heroes and heroines. Political leaders, former ministers and the former president of Uruguay participate.
“[A transição democrática] It is very important for Brazil, for the Brazilian people and is part of Brazilian history because it is the largest period that the country has been enjoying a democratic regime without any hiatus, “Sarney said.
Sarney assumed the presidency of the Republic on March 15, 1985. He had been elected vice president of Tancredo Neves-the Minas Gerais politician, however, was hospitalized and died the following month.
the former president said he maintained the entire ministry chosen by Tancredo and, after his inauguration, understood that he should conduct the transition from the military dictatorship to democracy.
“I was a president marked to be deposed, like many others in the history of Brazil,” he said.
In the interview, he says he regrets criticism of Juscelino Kubitschek, recalls the depression he had in the 1980s and comments on the accusations of favoring deputies to approve his five -year term.
“I didn’t want to take over the presidency, I wanted to wait for Tancredo [que estava hospitalizado]. There was a need to assume because everyone thought, including Ulysses and Tancredo, that after such a big fight to reach that moment, if we had any doubt about who would assume, we would risk a big risk of having a problem, “he said.