Federal Deputies Carol de Toni (PL-SC) and Talíria Petrone (PSOL-RJ) discussed, this Friday (14), in The Great Debate (Monday to Friday, at 11 pm), if the right will be able to unlock the bill that amnesty those involved in the acts of January 8.
Former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and said one of the right priorities at this time will be unlocking the process.
From Toni believes that the text will be approved and that there is a sense of injustice around the non -individualization of penalties.
“There was a homeless person in jail for several months and then released when they discovered that the guy was there just to get food and did not participate [dos atos]. Deborah was arrested and was 15 months without complaint with two young children. He was now sentenced to 17 years in prison for simply taking a lipstick and writing down ‘lost, Mané’ in a statue, ”said the PL parliamentarian.
“That is, a supposed damage that is totally reversible. If we compare what happened to the crime of homicide, the minimum penalty of a primary defendant is six years and Deborah, for making a simple note, received 17 years, demonstrates disproportionate. This disproportionality arouses in people a sense of injustice, ”he continued.
Petrone understands that those involved in January 8 were encouraged to invade the headquarters of the three powers because of the coup plan.
“We are talking about a Federal Police report with over 800 pages, then PGR [Procuradoria-Geral da República] It turned into a complaint that it was offered by the Supreme, which will now be tried by and that does not deal with Débora, the homeless person, deals with former President Jair Bolsonaro who, still in the presidency, led alongside members of the Armed Forces High Summit, I am talking about Braga Netto and not Deborah, a coup d’état, ”he said.