The 11th episode of the Medical Series “The Pitt” He caught the attention of netizens by portraying a realistic scene of a normal birth. In an interview with Vulture, the creator and production director mentioned that it took two puppets and personalized equipment to create the effect they would like.
In conversation with the American website, R. Scott Gemmill It mentions that the intention is to present the medical cases in the most authentic way possible.
Spoiler alert: The following text contains spoilers of the 11th episode of Season 1 of “The Pitt”
In the representation of delivery, the producers chose to display the moment when the woman pushes the baby out of the body. “It was very important that I could film the baby coming out and then lean to the mother so that everything was connected,” explains director Quyen Tran.
According to the portal, the director herself had a traumatic birth with her second child and felt that she should reproduce the scene as authentically as possible.
To accomplish what they wanted, personalized equipment included a stretcher with a silicone prosthesis of a pregnant belly, legs and a vaginal canal anchored on it. Directly behind the equipment was still available a chair in which the actress sat down, and when it was time to film the scene, she leaned over the prosthesis and aligned with her belly.
In addition to the equipment, two puppets contributed to the special effects. As one added blood and other fluids during the scene through pipes, the other placed the arm inside the hollow belly to push the fake baby out of the vaginal canal.
The first season of the series will adopt a format in which doctors will be accompanied in real timewith episodes that unfold over 15 hours on a hospital in Pittsburgh.
and is starring Noah Wylealready known for the role as Dr. Carter in the series “”. Names like Taylor Cranston, Supriya ganesh, Fiona Dourif and more make up the cast.
The first two episodes of the plot were made available in the platform catalog on January 9 and then, the last episode, will only arrive on April 10.