National Unafisco Survey said it is necessary to increase the value of the exemption range to R $ 5,211.51
A study by (National Association of Fiscal Auditors of the Federal Revenue of Brazil) said that the full correction of the Individual Income Tax Table would benefit 12.9 million Brazilians with the exemption of the tax. The cost in public accounts would be $ 270.33 billion per year. This is the full (PDF – 35 kB) and (PDF – 472 kB).
Currently, the IRPF (Individual Income Tax) exemption range is R $ 2,259.20 per month. Those who receive above this will have to declare the tax. The deadline will start this Monday (17.mar.2025) and ends on May 30, at 23:5959s. Know what the rules are by clicking.
According to UNAFISCO, the value of the exemption range should be $ 5,211.51. It argues that, over the last decades, the corrections of the IRPF tables have not followed inflation and, therefore, Brazilians previously benefited have to contribute to the government.
The correction of the required exemption range would be 130.68%, according to the association. The President (PT) on Friday (14.mar.2025) that the IRPF exemption project for those who earn up to R $ 5,000 will be announced on Tuesday (18.mar.2025). The value is a promise of election campaign.
The current table of the individual’s income tax allows the exemption of 17.36 million Brazilians. The number would increase to 30.30 million with full correction.
Tax collection
UNAFISCO has calculated how much the federal government will no longer raise the full correction of the income tax table. If you climb the exemption range to $ 5,211.51, more than $ 270 billion stop entering the public coffers per year. Revenue will fall from R $ 417.17 billion to R $ 146.84 billion.
The Minister of Finance, announced in November 2024 the forecast of sending a project that raised to $ 5,000 monthly the exemption from IR. As the pronouncement was to deal with spending cuts, speech caused negative reactions in financial assets.
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