A little -known potato replacement. Has a lot of fiber, supports the work of the heart and maintaining the correct weight

by Andrea
A little -known potato replacement. Has a lot of fiber, supports the work of the heart and maintaining the correct weight

Lotos root is nothing but the underground part of the lotus flower. His appearance is quite characteristic – Long, cylindrical, with a light yellow skin and a spongy structure with holes in cross -section. Thanks to these holes, it effectively absorbs the flavors of spices and sauces, which makes it an extremely universal addition to dishes.

This plant comes mainly from the countries of Southeast Asiasuch as China, India or Japan, where, apart from the kitchen, it is also used in natural medicine. Therefore, the cultural culture appreciates him not only for culinary versatility, but also health properties.

Lotos root flavor can be compared to a potato, but with a delicate nutty note (combined with crunchiness). In the raw state, its consistency resembles or celery, while after cooking – it becomes noticeably softer. This, in turn, makes it great in various types of dishes – from soups to fried dishes.

Lotos root can be consumed in both fresh and dried versions. The first option works best in the kitchen, because The root retains its crunchy consistency and a delicate taste. Reaching for a fresh version in practice means cooking, frying, burning, and also adding to soups and salads. On the other hand, dried lotus root is most often used in natural medicine, where it is used while brewing teas and various types of infusions supporting the body.

Although the lotus root is still not widely available in Polish stores, you do not need to put a lot of effort into buying it. We will find it in specialized supermarkets with Asian food, both stationary and online. In addition, in larger cities it is available in stores with exotic food, and sometimes also in departments with oriental products in larger retail chains.

To say that Lotos root is a real treasury of nutritional values, it is definitely not enough. First of all, he is rich in favorable creation and supporting intestinal fiber. Thus helps to maintain the correct weight, regulates blood sugar levelsand also prevents hunger attacks. It also contains valuable vitamins, especially strengthening vitamin C resistance and improving the functioning of the nervous system of vitamin B group.

The health -promoting properties of the lotus root also include heart support. The presence of potassium helps to regulate blood pressure, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Finally, the antioxidants contained in the Lotos root work anti -inflammatory.

The lotus root is extremely versatile in the kitchen. It can be frying crunchy, cooked in soups, stew with vegetables or add to salads. It goes well with aromatic spices such as ginger, garlic, soy sauce and rice vinegar. Its delicate sweetness, in turn, is a perfect complement to spicy dishes and meat dishes.

Another popular way to prepare a lotus root is pickling. This ingredient, cut into thin slices and immersed in a mixture of vinegar, sugar and spices, turns into a delicious addition to rice, pasta or stir-fry dishes. Nothing prevents him from being breaded and fried in deep fat. Crunchy chips will be created then, much healthier than those that can be found on store shelves.

Despite the undisputed advantages, the lotus root is still a relatively little known alternative to potato. Unfortunately, because it undoubtedly deserves more attention, remaining a tasty product, with versatile use in the kitchen and extremely valuable to health.

Source: NowowoPuje.pl


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