If you have a shower at home, you are certainly used to limescale. Every week you remove it honestly, but suddenly it is again in two days again. Look at this trick to remove the spots from the limescale from the shower screen.
Limescale is a terror of all households. Practically every week, when you clean up the bathroom, you are trying to get rid of it by different chemicals. But even if you remove the limescale, for example, from a water tap so that the tap finally looks again with cleanliness, only lasts a day, a maximum of two. In two days, limescale appears again, and it is here again. Cleaning the spots from the limescale from the shower screen is also difficult, as the limescale will return even faster than the tap. But look at this trick to get rid of the stains of the scale using something unusual.
YouTube video to get rid of scale quickly and cheaply can be found on the Smart Fox channel:
Source: YouTube
The limescale is the terrification of all households, because it is not possible to get rid of it and looks incredibly non -aesthetic. But there is another problem. If you do not do anything with this rough ugly coating, it can endanger the function of your appliance. Another problem is that you spend a lot of money for him. Although you will never get rid of it for more than two days, but you can not leave it. Therefore, you clean it with special means that are definitely not cheap. In addition, they contain chemistry that is not the most healthy for all.
Fortunately, a big thinker came to a great alternative to save on the fight against the loser. You do not have to spend money on chemical products, because you already have a great stain remover at home. You may be surprised, but you have it in the kitchen. And this time there is no talk of vinegar or edible soda, although these two ingredients are also great, and especially natural, cleaner. So what can you use from the kitchen to remove the stains from the scale?
Cleaning the shower enclosure with baking paper
Yes, you can really use baking paper. And most importantly, it’s quite simple. All you need is to crush one sheet of baking paper in the palm. Using a ball of crumpled baking paper, then scrub the entire shower, including the shower screen. The spots from the scale disappear. Thanks to this method, your shower will shine and will be absolutely without stains. Above all, this trick is cheaper and without the use of chemical products.
Sources: www.tiktok.com, express.co.uk