At 44, it should be aware: when to prevent cognitive decline

by Andrea
At 44, it should be aware: when to prevent cognitive decline

At 44, it should be aware: when to prevent cognitive decline

New study presents different perspectives on the moment it should be intervened to avoid, for example, dementia.

Most humans – probably almost all – have two fears about old age: loss of mental capacities and death. Let’s focus the first one.

When thinking about prevention of cognitive declineoften the question that arises, besides the “how” is the “when”. When should we be aware of the first signs?

To the 44 years. The first (visible) effect is close to 44 years; degeneration reaches the acceleration peak near the 67 years and stabilizes to 90 years.

This is the main conclusion of one, which indicates that brain aging has nonlinear transitions, suggesting a “Critical Window” in middle age for metabolic intervention.

Functional communication was analyzed between brain regions in almost 20,000 people in four large -scale data sets. These brain nets degrade in a nonlinear way, but with clear transition points.

In this such a middle-aged “critical window”, the brain begins to have less and less access to energy, but It should be intervened before irreversible damage occursessentially ‘curvature’ before ‘break’.

During the middle age, the neurons They are metabolically stressed due to “fuel” insufficiency; They are fighting but are still viablecites a.

Therefore, it is at this stage that one should have a “Alternative fuel” to restore brain function and thus prevent cognitive decline.

Leisure activities that stimulate the intellect, such as games, crosswords, puzzles and reading, are not a bad idea (either) at this stage.

Main Factor for Brain Aging It can be the neuronal insulin resistance. By comparing metabolic, vascular and inflammatory biomarkers, they saw that metabolic changes (such as insulin resistance itself) preceded vascular and inflammatory changes.

Aging patterns are, according to genetic expression analyzes, related to the glut -dependent glucose conveyor and APOE lipid carrier protein – a well -known Alzheimer’s risk factor.

The same genetic analyzes identified a neuronal carrier of ketones, MCT2, which can function as a protector of cognition. That is, it can be advantageous to increase the brain’s ability to use ketones – an alternative brain fuel that neurons can metabolize without insulin.

The ketones

Already in another study, related to this, the administration of glucose and ketones in individual doses to 101 people who were at different stages of aging was compared.

The ketones stabilized the deterioration of brain networksunlike glucose.

Originated moderate benefits in young adults (20-39 years); benefits maximum in the metabolic stress of midlife (40-59 years), after which the networks began to destabilize; impact reduced in older adults (60-79 years) – When the network destabilization had already reached maximum acceleration and mastery of compound vascular effects.

The team believes that with this study there may be a Revolution in approaches to prevent cognitive decline related to age and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer.

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