Benjamin’s ficus loses the leaves in the spring? Water it with it and new forces will enter it

by Andrea
Benjamin's ficus loses the leaves in the spring? Water it with it and new forces will enter it

Why ficus Benjamin loses leaves? Leaf drooping can be caused by various factors, such as pouring, drying, sudden temperature change, drafts, light deficiency or pests. The flower can be attacked by spider mites and discs. How to care for the plant to grow healthy?

What does Fikus Benjamin like?

In growing a stainless stone, the choice of position is crucial. Because the tax office tolerates changes badly, you need to think carefully about where to set the pot. The best will be a clear place, but indirectly sunny. So the window sill is falling off, but also a shaded position. It must not be placed close to the radiator. Too warm and dry air can also contribute to the falling of the leaves. Fikus Benjamin loves spraying. This plant tolerates dry air badly, but it also harms excess moisture. Therefore, watering should be moderate. In the summer twice a week – the soil should be moist, but not wet. In winter is enough once a week. If the water in the base after watering, you need to pour it immediately. We sprinkle the ficus once a week, always with water. This form of care also helps to get rid of dust from small leaves. Sometimes ficus Benjamin grows so lush that it gets out of control. Then, it’s worth cutting the tree. Spring is the best moment for such a procedure. It is also the best time to overdo it Benjamin. However, it should be remembered that ficus grows better in too small than in a large pot. If the roots of the plant are coming out of the container, then we move the tree to a slightly larger container with a fertile, permeable soil with a reaction pH 5.7 – 6.8. In the case of older and large plants, it is enough to replace only the upper layer of soil.

Benjamin’s ficus. Homemade conditioner in spring

Fikus Benjamin loves fertile, but permeable ground with a slightly acidic reaction. That is why it is worth using coffee grounds to water the plant after brewing coffee. They need to be dried, and then add a few tablespoons (about 3 to 1 liter of water) to the water, which we prepare for watering ficus. In addition to light acidification of the soil, coffee grounds also have a lot of nutritional properties necessary for the proper growth of the plant. They contain potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium and zinc. Thanks to this, the stems and leaves become even more green and healthier. We water ficus with such conditioner with coffee grounds once every two weeks.

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