A (PL) in favor of this Saturday (16) makes little pressure on the parties of the centrão, evaluate political leaders.
Three leaders of the centrão heard by Sheet They claim that the act was restricted to the PL and gathered a well -known part of Bolsonaro’s electorate, without showing increasing adherence to the agenda.
Parties like OEO avoid formally supporting the bill that grants amnesty to the prisoners of January 8 even after the act.
Leaders of these acronyms say that the co -religionists are divided between supporters of forgiveness to the coup acts and advocates of neutrality in discussions.
The PL tries to get formal adhesion of the center and right to the amnesty parties. In February and said, at the time of Sunday ,. Kassab was sought to comment on the statement, but did not respond until the conclusion of this text.
The former president still plans one, Marcos Pereira, for this week. The expectation among pockets is that the formal adherence of these parties convince undecided parliamentary to vote for the amnesty.
“I have no doubt that we already have the votes,” said the opposition leader in the House, Deputy Lieutenant Colonel Zucco (PL-RS) this Saturday.
“They do not position themselves, I believe, without clear guidance from their party. But we are already talking to the progressives, PSD, we can, Republicans. The sum is very favorable. We have a calculation that passes quietly 300 votes,” he adds.
The PL strategy is to gather signatures during the week to present on Thursday (20), at a meeting of the College of Leaders, an urgent request for the vote of the amnesty proposal.
“Let’s get admitted – and they will be surprised – with 92 PL deputies and other parties so we can urgently ask for the amnesty project to enter the agenda next week,” said PL leader in the House, Sostenes Cavalcante (RJ), during the act in Copacabana.
Government parliamentarians and members of the Lula Government (PT) took advantage of that the act was smaller than announced by the pockets to reinforce the thesis that the amnesty’s agenda has no popular support.
The minister of the Secretariat of Institutional Relations, Gleisi Hoffmann, cited on social networks the complaint of PGR (Attorney General of the Republic) against Bolsonaro and 33 others on charges of participating in the 2022 coup plot.
“To persist in attacking institutions and talking about amnesty to those who will still be tried means, in practice, confessing the seriousness of crimes committed against the rule of law and democracy,” he said.
“Anyone who has not fell on plotting even murders to usurp power is not credible to climbing on stands and becoming a victim,” the minister added.
Minister Jorge Messias, from AGU (Attorney General of the Union), published a photo of the rally for direct elections in Candelaria in 1984, in Rio de Janeiro and commented: “Democracy always! No amnesty”.
The government leader in the House, Deputy José Guimarães (CE), said the demonstration in Copacabana “flop”. “Brazilians want scammers to pay for their crimes,” he said.
Representative Lindbergh Farias (RJ), PT leader in the House, said the amnesty’s goal is to rid Bolsonaro from the judgment of the 2022 coup plot, and not to forgive “the Veinha with the Bible”, in reference to the women cited by the former president among those convicted by scammers.
“The project that is being processed in the House passes a rubber in all crimes committed after October 30, 2022 until the sanction of the law. We cannot allow it.”
The demonstration was convened by Jair Bolsonaro under the amnesty motto involved in the coup attacks of January 8, 2023. The act occurred after the first class of the Supreme Court (Supreme Court) to mark the judgment of the PGR complaint against the former president and allies.
Bolsonaro was the last to speak. He criticized the complaint of PGR e. “If any cowardice happens to me, keep fighting,” he said.
“This story was not perfect for them because I was in the United States [no 8 de janeiro]. If I were here, I would be stuck to this day or who knows them killed. I’ll be a problem for them, arrested or dead. “