Chronicle from Rome: the iconic kiosks of the center of extinction

by Andrea
El Periódico

The iconic kiosks of Sale of newspapers and magazines of the center of Rome They have reached a point where they are already afraid of their extinction. The first district of the city has just announced that 25 of these historical establishments would not be “compatible” with The new commercial management plan that is being discussed in the Roman City Council. Therefore, its concession contracts They may not be renewed. The cause, as explained, would be The new road code of the capitalwhich establishes stricter norms on the placement of structures in public spaces, in order to improve pedestrian accessibility.

At times when – also following the Jubilee currently current– In the central areas of the Italian capital the ‘souvenirs’ and baratijas positions of everything Type emerge as fungi in the streets of the city, the news has made hostilities. The owners of the establishments have already been launched in Tromba to protest against the plan and ensure that they will continue to hold the war ax until the authorities do not turn back.

Kiosk in the center of Rome. / Irene Savio

Many also have The support of citizenship. “This kiosk is our window to the world,” explained the clients of one of the positions In the Plaza de los Heroesnot far from the Vatican. “I have been 60 years old and I will continue to be forever. This kiosk I bought it 35 years ago and now they tell me that I should close. What will happen to my customers?” Drushed Antonio Ascone, 82, one of those affected.

No agreement

Little has it served that from the City Council they would know that it will be proposed relocate some establishments in other areas of the city. “Why? What have I done wrong? They have not fined me for illegitimately occupying the public land and the sidewalk is wide. Where would I have to go?” I continued, disconsolate, Antonio.

Given the plan, in fact, the affected quockers have closed in band, discarding (at least for the moment) any possible agreement with the City Council. “While the center of Rome is filled with stores that sell BAsurillas for tourists and fast food establishmentsthe kiosks are closed, “they have written an acid letter.

The argument of the quisqueros is also that it is about nasty blow to a sector already damagedalso affected by a reality already quite consolidated in Italy: the decrease of readers of editions in newspaper and magazines. The trend in Italy, as in Spain and other European countries, is clear. Five (‘Corriere’, ‘Repubblica’, ‘Il Sole 24 Ore’, ‘La Gazzetta dello Sport’ and ‘La Stampa’) of the six main Italian newspapers have experienced in 2024 falls between 5% and 10% in sales of their paper editions, with the exception of Il Fatto Quoto, which grew by 5%, according to data last December.

With this, according to figures released in January last year by the Italian Chamber of Commercethe collapse of the bars of the kiosks has also been very evident. Specifically, in a time period of just four years, 2,700 stalls of newspapers and magazines closed their doors throughout Italy, 303 of which only in Rome, where the fall reached a decrease of 21%, five points more than the national data (16%). Data that, according to other sources such as the Italian Industrial Agency Snag, are even more devastating if only the kiosks that sell press are taken into consideration, which would have fallen 30% between 2018 and 2024.

The City Council of Rome says not wanting to throw in the towel and continues to seek solutions, such as widening and modifying sidewalks or moving the steps of pedestrians. In other cases, it is being evaluated reduce the size of kiosks at risk of closing. This is what is already being studied for about 30 kiosks, which, however, does not solve (for now) the problem of the other 25.

However, time runs against because 20 years after the approval of the BOLKESTINE EUROPEAN BOARD And after several extensions, all the districts of Rome now have to create and approve their new commercial management plan that demands that the concessions be tender. What is particularly uphill in the center of Rome because space is not much and restrictions are numerous.

From the City Council, they seem to be aware of the situation. “The kiosks are much more than simple positions: they are reference points for neighborhoods, information and culture places, socialization centers. That is why we have decided not to apply the increases in the rate for public space occupation,” said the Councilor for Commerce, Monica Lucarelli.

“The closure of a kiosk must really be the last option, which should be avoided by all possible means. Our goal is not only to protect jobs, but also to assess those who, every day, with passion and dedication, contribute to keep the cultural soul of our city alive“Lucarelli added.

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