Governors, former ministers, congressmen and religious leaders participated in the demonstration to ask for amnesty for the prisoners on January 8
The former president (PL) brought together allies, among them, governors, former ministers and congressmen, and supporters in an act in Copacabana, Rio, on Sunday morning (16.mar.2025) to ask the amnesty to the January 8 prisoners.
In addition to the former chief executive, they also spoke politicians such as the governor of São Paulo (Republicans), Rio, (PL), Federal Deputy (PL-MG) and Senator (PL-RJ).
The act was organized and funded by Pastor Silas Malafaia. Another religious leader, the comedian pastor, who has 10.3 million followers on Instagram, was also.
Representing relatives of the prisoners for extremist acts, Edjane da Cunha, widow of Cleriston Pereira da Cunha, Clezão, participated. He while he was stuck.
Find out who went to the act
- Jair Bolsonaro (PL), former president;
- Valdemar Costa Neto, PL President;
- Edjane da Cunha, Clezão’s widow;
- Father Kelmon, ex-candidate for President;
- Josias da Swell, Secretary of Urban Mobility of Cabo Frio (RJ).
- Cláudio Castro (PL), from Rio;
- Tarcisio Freitas (Republicans), from São Paulo;
- Jorginho Mello (PL), from Santa Catarina;
- Mauro Mendes (União Brasil), from Mato Grosso;
Former Ministers:
- João Roma, former Minister of Citizenship;
- Marcelo Queiroga, former Minister of Health;
- Gilson Machado, former Minister of Tourism.
Religious leaders:
- Silas Malafaia, pastor;
- Cláudio Duarte, pastor.
- Flávio Bolsonaro (PL-RJ);
- Magno Malta (PL-BA);
- Carlos Portinho (PL-RJ);
- Rogério Marinho (PL-RN);
- Jaime bagattoli (pl-o);
- Izalci Lucas (PL-MG);
- Wilder Morais (PL-GO);
- Wellington Fagundes (PL-MT);
- Jorge Seif (PL-SC).
Federal Deputies:
- Alexandre Ramagem (PL-RJ);
- Nikolas Ferreira (PL-MG);
- Cortês Altineu (PL-RJ);
- Cavalcante Sosthenes (PL-RJ);
- Coronel Zucco (PL-GRS);
- Helio Lopes (PL-RJ);
- Rodrigo Valadares (União Brasil-SE);
- Chris Tonietto (PL-RJ);
- Captain Alberto Neto (PL-AM);
- Carlos Jordy (PL-RJ);
- Rodolfo Nogueira (PL-MS);
- Bibo Nunes (PL-RS);
- Volleyball Mauritius (PL-MG);
- João Henrique (PL-MS);
- Allan Garcez (PP-MA);
- Delegate Éder Mauro (PL-PA);
- Skull Delegate (PL-PA);
- Young Cherini (PL-GRS);
- Paulo Bilynskyj (PL-SP);
- Evair de Melo (PP-ES);
- Cabo Gilberto Silva (PL-PB);
- Maurício Carvalho (Union-RO);
- Captain Alden (PL-BA);
- Sergeant Fahur (PSD-PR);
- David Soares (Union-SP);
- Coronel Chrisóstomo (PL-RO);
- Reinhold Stephanes (PSD-PR);
- Ubiratan Sanderson (PL-RS);
- Roberto Monteiro (PL-RJ);
- General Girão (PL-RN);
- Junio Maral (PL-MG);
- André Fernandes (PL-CE);
- Sergeant Gonçalves (PL-RN);
- Federal Gilvan (PL-ES);
- Eduardo Pazuello (PL-RJ),-is also former Minister of Health;
- Pastor Eurico (PL-PE);
- Mario Frias (PL-SP);
- José Medeiros (PL-MT);
- Carol de Toni (PL-SC);
- Luiz Lima (PL-RJ);
- Filipe Barros (PL-PR);
- Silvia Waiãpi (PL-AP);
- Eros Biondini (PL-MG).
State and district deputies:
- André do Prado (PL-SP)-is president of Alesp (Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo);
- Anderson Moraes (PL-RJ);
- Carmelo Neto (PL-CE), President of PL Jovem;
- Cristiano Caporezzo (PL-MG);
- Rogério Barra (PL-BA).
Mayor and Deputy Mayor:
- Abílio Brunini (PL-MT), mayor of Cuiabá;
- Gianni Nogueira (PL-MS), Deputy Mayor of Dourados (MS).
- Carlos Bolsonaro (PL-RJ);
- Zoe Martinez (PL-SP);
- Priscila Costa (PL-CE)-is also vice president of PL Mulher;
- Bella Carmelo (PL-CE);
- Moana Valadares (Pl-if).