Marina De Siculiana
I could not have a vacation on a European beach in April. But that’s why a small Italian town is trying to visit it – and that doesn’t pay anything except the tourist rate, which costs 1 euro.
The picturesque city by the sea of SiculianaIn Sicily, he is offering a tourist vacation – he just has to pay 1euro, the tourist fee.
The goal, according to explains, is to call people to the place during the low time: the first “vacancy” of vacation offer is between April 4 to 6.
And when they say offer, these Italians really want to say offer – The municipality pays you accommodation, meals and guided tours For a stay of two nights, in the west of the island.
There is places available for 10 doubles and the winners will be announced on March 20. You just have to submit a Application until March 15 . It’s simple:
It just is record a video, where it explains why you want to travel. The Syculian Tourism Council gives valid examples, such as “We deserve a vacation”, “we love Sicily” and “we want to eat Sicilian food”. In the video should appear with the person with whom you want to travel. Originality and motivation are the most considered factors.
Na candidacywhich can only be done for over 18 years, should explain the type of relationship they have with the person with whom the video (eg friends, family or spouses), age, residence city and telephone and electronic contact data.
If you win, it has guided tours of the most iconic places in the city, such as Syculian Marina and the Salsa Torres Nature Reserve, with protected beaches and beautiful cliffs.