Apple discoloration after cutting is a common problem that can make them less appealing to consumption.
However, a team of researchers discovered an innovative solution to lock this process, keeping apples with a fresh look for several days without resorting to chemicals.
Violet Led Light: The key to preserving the cut apples
According to a study published in Horticulture Researchexposure of cut apples to Violet Led Light It can prevent the darkening of the pulp by prolonging the life of the fruit.
This technique, according to scientists at SHENYANG AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, NA CHINANot only improves the appearance of fruit, but also represents a sustainable alternative to chemical solutions usually used in food conservation.
The experience consisted of exposing newly cut apples to Violet Led 700 Lux Violet during four days. The results were compared with a cut -out apple control group that were stored in the dark for the same period of time.
The images captured throughout the study show a significant difference: The apples exposed to LED light remained visually fresherwhile those in the control group had a dark brown tone.
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The role of antioxidants and oxidative enzymes
Researchers explain that this effect is due to action of violet light in the accumulation of antioxidant compoundsthat help preserve the original color of the apple pulp.
In addition, they found that treatment with violet LED inhibits the activity of oxidative enzymesresponsible for the darkening of the fruit after the cut.
Application in the food industry and other fruits
The study also points out that this technology can be easily applied in the food industry, reducing waste and improving the appearance of other fruits that also darken after cutting, as pears, melons and pineapples.
According to researchers, the consumption of cut fruit is growing rapidly, representing 29% of the total fruit consumption in Europe and the USA e 11% in Japan and South Korea.
O Dr. Aide Wangone of the scientists involved in the investigation, stresses that this discovery can benefit both consumers and the food sector: “This research opens interesting possibilities for the industry. Understanding how violet LED light interacts with fruit compounds can lead to the development of more effective and sustainable methods to conserve fresh foods ”told the .
With promising results, violet LED light can become a viable alternative to prolong the freshness of cut fruits, ensuring a more appealing and safe product for consumers.
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