Radek Tesár 16. 3. 2025 clock 3 minutes
Every driver has certainly encountered at least once with some road control during his life. But do you know that in this case you have the opportunity to disagree with the police? There are things that are better not to tell you at all to keep your situation.
Road check can be a stressful experience for every driver, whether it is a normal routine or a situation that can cause in you. Even if most of the checks take place at rest, you can easily say in nervousness something you would regret later. Although you have the right to disagree with the police officer or decide to remain silent, it is good to know exactly what you should say and what rather not. When communicating with police officers, it is important to maintain peace, balance sheet and the right approach that can significantly affect the course of the whole control. So let’s see how to behave properly during road control.
What to say and what not to say when checking
During road checks, it is key to maintain peace and balance. The worst thing you can do is try to escape. This is not only illegal, but also extremely risky. Once you notice a police vehicle, stop at the place where the police officer guides you. Never get out of the car, just download the window to allow communication. The policeman should approach your car and ask for documents. It is important to cooperate and submit a driving license, identity card and vehicle documents, as their failure can be considered an offense.
If you are not aware of violations of the regulations or you do not agree with the police decision, you certainly have the right to express it. You can tell him that you do not feel wine or do not agree with his claim. If you impose a fine, you can request it to be handled later in the administrative proceedings, where you will have a better chance of canceling or reducing the fine. In such behavior, however, it is important to maintain peace and avoid aggressive behavior. In any case, do not attempt a bribe, because this behavior is not only illegal, but can make you aggravated.
What a policeman has no right
During the road check, you should know that the police have no right to everything. For example, they cannot disable audio acquisition or inspection video records can not try or swear to you, which is of course absolutely unacceptable.
Also, a policeman cannot demand a tour of your car without reasonable suspicion of the presence of illegal things such as drugs or weapons. If they do not have a serious reason, you can refuse the tour. Another thing they cannot demand is to pay the fine on the spot. They can only choose a deposit if there is a suspicion that you could avoid administrative proceedings in the future.
The last and most important advice: remember that even police officers are people and can therefore approach you in different ways. Some may be more accommodating and just give you a ministry for smaller offenses, while others may try to find a reason for a fine for the slightest small things. The best strategy is assertive but calm behavior. Avoid nervousness and unnecessary conflicts that could not only make you unpleasant day, but could also lead to greater inconvenience.
Sources: www.portalridice.cz, www.policie.gov.cz, www.tiktok.com