On Wednesday (12), he announced one of the workers and explained: “There is nothing more miraculous to one than the money in the hands of all. When money focuses on the hands of a few, we know the result of Brazil’s history, many countries and humanity.”
He lacked his luck. On the same day, IBGE reported that the accumulated in the last 12 months, surpassing the ceiling of the goal of 4.5%. More money in everyone’s hand does miracles. However, if the money is worth less, the miracle becomes a charlatan.
Since famine has been associated with the erosion of confidence in the government, companions run after bad punctual news. Now it’s the egg, sometimes the coffee. For what would be punctual problems, they respond with specific political solutions. Itaipu helps energy rates, or the import tax is removed to relieve the price of the egg.
At the end of the last century, the Carestia dragon haunted four presidents: Ernesto Geisel, João Figueiredo, José Sarney and Fernando Collor. All tried to contain inflation using economic measures packaged in political initiatives. All failed, until in the government of Itamar Franco, with the Ministry of Finance, came the Real Plan and the value of the currency was restored.
Leaving the head of a group of economists, the Real Plan was ingenious, but it only worked because, finally, Itamar Franco and, above all, Fernando Henrique Cardoso subordinated the occasional actions to the central objective of recovery of currency value. If this had been done in previous governments, Brazil would not have reached an inflation of 1,621% in 1990. At that time, the monetary correction institute masks the fare. Today, inflation goes straight into the budget of families.
Nevertheless, Lula believes in scapegoats. Until last year, he was called. As he left the Central Bank, he would have left a “trap”. Already, the goat of the time will be the fares of Donald Trump. To the goats, the miracle is opposed. He triggers Itaipu’s companion and lowers the power rate that month.
Lula 3.0 is facing an incipient but cruel inflationary outbreak and believes in the virtues of a rhetoric that, 50 years ago, took him from a mechanical lathe to the Planalto Palace. In government, he did not realize that the situation was reversed. He is now in the chair of the presidents who believed in punctual measures and packages that mixed political goals with economic measures.
Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Itamar Franco realized the subtlety of the problem. Carestia/inflation was the main problem of Brazilian politics and should be faced with global initiatives in the economy.
Lula and Luís 15
With his joke about the attributes of Gleisi Hoffmann, Lula approaches dangerously the diagnosis of the French historian Claude Mancern about Louis 15, king of France from 1715 to 1774.
At the end of his reign, at 64, he was out of fashion.
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