PGR maintains a complaint against Bolsonaro and quotes forum in the STF – 13/03/2025 – Power

by Andrea

The Attorney General of the Republic, said on Thursday (13) that the new thesis defined by the (Federal Supreme Court) that guarantees that it is up to the court to trial the scammer plot of 2022.

Gonet’s demonstration was made in response to the prior defenses reported by the conspiracies by a coup d’état. The accused claimed that the trial would not fit the Supreme.

It argues that the complaint is accepted against the former president () and seven others accused by the “crucial core” of the coup plot and that they become defendants by the STF. The group is composed, besides Bolsonaro, by Alexandre Ramagem, Almir Garnier, Anderson Torres, Augusto Heleno, Mauro Cid, Paulo Sérgio Nogueira and Braga Netto.

“The thesis fixed – which has already had the vote of most court ministers since last year – has overcome the allegation of incompetence brought by the accused. In the kind, authorities with prerogative of forum (President of the Republic and Ministers of State) committed the crimes when they were still in the exercise of their positions, and because of them, precisely with the intention of stretching in power,” Gonet.

The new thesis on special forum was defined by the Supreme on trial ended on Tuesday (11). By 7 votes to 4, the ministers decided that authorities who committed crimes should be processed at the Court even after leaving the positions.

The new understanding changes a jurisprudence in force since 2018, when the Supreme Court established that investigations should be sent to the first instance after the authorities left their duties.

Gonet argues that the new Supreme Thesis applies not only to the authorities who had a special forum, such as former President Jair Bolsonaro and former ministers, but to all investigated by the coup plot.

“The conduct of the other accused are intrinsically related; they were practiced in competition with the authorities holding special forum,” says the prosecutor.

The complaint against the 34 suspects of participation in the coup plot was sliced ​​on five distinct accusations as a strategy to facilitate the processing of the processes. This Thursday’s demonstration is a response to the first slice of the complaint – the central core of the coup plot. Gonet should speak in the coming days of the defense of the other accused.

With the demonstration of the PGR, it is now up to Minister Alexandre de Moraes to release the complaint for trial in the first class of the Supreme Court. According to two ministers heard by Sheetthe expectation is that the complaint will be received at the end of March or in early April.

At this stage, PGR is limited to contesting the defendants’ defenses in procedural matters, such as the requests for removal from Moraes and the cancellation of Mauro Cid’s denunciation.

Gonet says Cid’s collaboration was voluntary and that the Attorney’s Office “manifested itself, more than one opportunity, to maintain the agreement.” “There is no new fact that justifies the change of this understanding,” he says.

The prosecutor also disputes the allegation of Bolsonaro’s defense, which accused him of and with “gigantic” amounts of documents to make the work of lawyers difficult.

“It is clear that it is clear from confusing to prevent the prosecution and, as a consequence, the exercise of the defense. Without the complaint brings clear or minimally organized indications and mentions to the elements of the case-it is, without leaf numbers and no process-the defense is obliged to go out in true hunts for the mentioned documents,” Bolsonaro’s defense said.

Gonet argues that the volume of prosecution documents corresponds to the complexity of the complaint.

“The thematic and probative relevance of the informative elements presented is demonstrated throughout the accusatory piece, which indicated the facts considered criminally relevant, the evidence that underlies them and the records where they could be consulted, precisely in order to ensure the full exercise of the defendants of the accused,” says the PGR.

The Attorney’s Office also pointed out that the Supreme Plenary already after the indictment of those investigated by the Federal Police in December 2024.

STF Minister Alexandre de Moraes referred on Saturday (8) to PGR the defenses of Bolsonaro, the former minister and others reported for attempted coup.

Bolsonaro and 33 others in February for allegedly planning and trying to execute a coup after defeat in the 2022 elections for President Lula (PT).

The PGR says that the former president edited a coup draft, sought support from the armed forces chiefs to the conspiracy, ancoured with a plan to kill the minister and was one of those responsible for attacks on the three powers on January 8, 2023.

Bolsonaro was denounced for the crimes of attempted violent abolition of the Democratic Rule of Law and coup d’état, damage qualified by violence and serious threat against the union’s assets, deterioration of overturned assets and participation in a criminal organization.

In (6), the former president’s lawyers deny that he has participated in an attempted coup and claim that the complaint stacked narratives with contradictory coup plans and does not present concrete elements to support the accusations.


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