Shift in the event of an attack on the Gymnasium in Spiš: The Inspection Service Office raised charges

by Andrea

In connection with the attack of the pupil at the Grammar School in Spišská Stará Ves, the investigator of the Office of the Inspection Service (Film) accused the police officer of the crime of obstructing the role of public officials. TASR confirmed this spokeswoman Andrea Dobiášová. TV Markíza alerted the accusation, saying that The accused is the director of the local district department of the police.

“The police officer was to incorrectly evaluate serious information about the pupil as information without criminal relevance and not to act from an official obligation and thus cause a particularly serious consequence. A police officer may face a imprisonment for one to five years“Dobiášová said.

Two women aged 18 and 51 died in the attack on the Grammar School in Spišská Stará Ves 16th January. It was a pupil and deputy headmistress. Another pupil injured the attacker with a knife. The police, who attended the Gymnasium, accused the police, suspected of committing an act, an 18-year-old student from Ľubica, who attended the grammar school. Is prosecuted.

Investigator of the statement in the resolution stated the steps accused of the police department before the attack to take. “The measures falling under the consideration of information were possible to transfer information to other components of the Police Force, the monitoring of the school, the increased patrol activity and the monitoring of the person’s movement, the monitoring of the school facility and the person before his arrival in the school facility on the day of the examinations,” She quoted TV Markiza from the resolution.

The statement investigates the police procedure. A few days before the attack, the accused pupil threatened to classmates through SMS. The police evaluated this procedure as bullying, not a crime. “The District Department of PZ did not take sufficient preventive measures despite the fact that members of the District Department knew that This is a problem student and have been informed from teachers and pupils that this student raises fear at school“said Interior Minister Matúš Šutaj Eštok (voice-SD) in January.


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