Choosing a name for a child is never an easy decision. Freshly baked parents face a serious dilemma. Sometimes you can get inspiration from the old ones, when many beautiful names reigned in delivery. This time we will focus on the name of Wanda, given 544 times in 2024.
Wanda has several meanings. According to the first version He comes from the Slavic language from the word “wandering”, which means “water”, “river”. It can also be derived from the word “journey”, or “rod”. It was related to the woman’s beauty “fishing knights”.
We say that Wanda is a “royal” name, because according to some sources Wincenty Kadłubek called such a legendary princessdaughter of the Polish prince Krak. The woman rushed to the Vistula because she did not want to marry the German prince.
According to other sources, the name Wanda comes from the Old Loganian language from the name of the vandal tribe.
Initially, Wanda’s name appeared in medieval literature in the 13th century. Daughters began to be called in the nineteenth century, when the fashion for the Middle Ages came.
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Wanda’s names of Wanda are kind, care and family. We consider them as life optimists who hate loneliness. They love spending time in company.
In addition, Wanda is independent, brave and skin to sacrifice. He persistently pursues his goalshe realizes his dreams with great determination.
Wanda are great friends. They always say what they think, without beating the bush. They are characterized by honesty and directness, so you can rely on them.
Women with this name keep their girlish charm for a long time, which is why men like them. They shun flirts and casual adventures – They dream of a partner for lifewhich will be caring and resourceful like them. In addition, they are caring mothers, and they put the good of the child above their own.
Wanda are clever, intelligent and perceptive. They quickly gain new knowledge and become resistant to stress. They will cope perfectly in managerial positions.
The most popular diminutive of Wanda are: Wandzia, Wandi, Wandeczka, Wanduś, Wania, Wandusz, Wandusia.
Wanda usually celebrates his name day on January 26. Women bearing this name can also celebrate June 23.