Donald Trump continues to rule with the eeuu iron fist, as well as its international relations with the rest of the countries. The arrival of the magnate at the head of the North American country was an unstoppable earthquake, which is having Its impact on all orders: political, social, economic, etc.
On this last occasion, and according to what is published in the medium The New York Times, The Trump administration would be seriously assessing the possibility, to prohibit the entrance to the US of Citizens of up to 43 countriesin what would enter into a new prohibition of trips to the US, with restrictions that would overcome those of their first mandate.
According to some anonymous officials to the American media, they said that this list was a Trump commission as soon as you arrive at the White House. The American president would have given a 60 -day term so that the corresponding positions will prepare a classification of the countries “whose research and selection information is so poor that it justifies a partial or total suspension of the admission of citizens of those countries.”
This list would have been prepared by the US State Department several weeks ago, Although they hoped that once it would arrive at the White House, it was modified. The Consular Affairs Office of the State Department has taken the initiative, and the order stipulated that the Departments of Justice and National Security, as well as the Office of the National Intelligence Director, had to collaborate in the initiative.
As reported, there are 11 countries whose citizens cannot set foot in the US: Afghanistan, Bután, Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen.
On the other hand, too They highlight a list of 10 countries whose compatriots could travel restrictedso that if they are wealthy citizens or whose trip it is part of a ‘business trip’ would be allowed to enter, while it would be denied to tourists or immigrants. This list would include Beritfish, Eritrea, Haiti, Laos, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, Sierra Leone, South Sudan and Turkmenistan.
This measure has been justified by Trump as a way to “protect our nation and its citizens maintaining the highest national and public security standards through our visa process. “But at this point, some unanswered unknowns are left, such as what will happen to citizens of any of these countries that have current visas or if the administration could exempt permanent residence card holders.
Finally, it should be mentioned another ‘yellow’ list that would include 22 countries, which will be granted 60 days to correct and solve the deficiencies notified under threat of being transferred to the red list.
Red list (total entrance prohibition)
- Afghanistan
- Butane
- Cuba
- Iran
- Libya
- North Korea
- Somalia
- Sudan
- Syria
- Venezuela
- Yemen
Orange list: Very restricted visas
- Belarus
- Eritrea
- Haiti
- Laos
- Myanmar
- Pakistan
- Russia
- Sierra Leone
- South Sudan
- Turkmenistan
Yellow list (they have 60 days to regularize their situation with the US)
- Angola
- Ancient and Barbuda
- Benin
- Burkina Faso
- Camboya
- Cameroon
- Cape Verde
- Chad
- Republic of Congo
- Congo Democratic Republic
- Dominica
- Equatorial Guinea
- Gambia
- Liberia
- Malawi
- Small
- Mauritania
- San Cristóbal y Nieves
- Street. Lucia
- Saint Tomé and Prince
- Vanuatu
- Zimbabwe