The sooner you plant Dalie, the earlier your garden is flooded with a riot of colors. In order for them to bloom as long as possible, we must properly grow them, in accordance with the most important care rules. In this article, you will learn how to plant dalie and take care of them after planting.
Low We plant so that their carps are covered with a layer of 5 cm thick soilmaintaining a 25 cm distance. In the case of high varieties karpy should be planted to a depth of about 10 cm. It is recommended to keep the distance between plants of 50-60 cm.
We plant these plants into the ground in the second half of May, after the last frosts have subsided. However, we can put them in the containers in March – This is a method that accelerates germination.
In March, we put containers with Dali in a bright room. They require hardening before moving to the ground. Strongly dried roots are soaked for three hours in lukewarm water to accelerate germination. If we plan to divide the carps, we put 3-4 tubers in one hole, ensuring that each has at least one visible bud.
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We consider Dalie as the sun’s flowers, that’s why We plant them in a sunny, quiet position. In a shady place they will begin to bend and their flowering will be weaker.
To these plants The soil must be fertile, humus, moderately moist and permeable. If the soil is too heavy, we complement it with sand.
We do not forget about regular watering of specimens during flowering. They need water especially when it is drought.
We fertilize Dalie by mid -August so that they can prepare for rest. In spring and autumn, it is worth supplying the soil with compost, providing the right amount of nutrients and improving the structure of the substrate. In the summer, however, we choose liquid or slow mineral fertilizers.
The care for these plants is Removal of faded flowers. In this way, we stimulate them to flowering.
High varieties require supports in the form of stakes. Then the shoots will not bend under the weight of the flowers.
Dalie are not frost -resistant, that’s why Before the arrival of the first frost. After digging, clean them from the ground, dry and store them in a dry, cool place, e.g. in the basement. Carps can be placed in boxes with peat, sand or sawdust to prevent them from drying.