The Briviesca Court of Instruction (Burgos) has established the. The judicial resolution arrives after months of struggle between the archbishopric of Burgos and a group of rebel religious who have broken with the line of the faith of El Vaticano and have embraced alternative thesis considered sectarian by the Holy See. The archbishopric has insisted that the five nuns who have not joined that alternative position can be maintained in the facilities, but the group that has challenged the Church. Several of them continue to live there and in recent weeks they have launched a restaurant in Asturias.
The judicial opinion establishes on June 10 as a definitive day for the launch of the former religious, as the archbishopric has disseminated in a statement. The diligence sent to the parties states that on March 13 they are summoned for a preview in search of a possible understanding, something that has barely existed since a few months ago part of that religious community embraced alternative theses to those of Pope Francis and joined the thought of false bishops. If agreements were not produced on that previous date, on June 10 the eviction of women who continues to inhabit that monastery, where they were known before this schism for their baking.
“This procedure does not affect the five nuns who have not participated in the Schism, and that currently make up the monastic community of Belorado,” because there is no open procedure. “These religious, given their advanced age and delicate state of health, have been from the first moment of special concern on the part of the Pontifical Commissioner and the Management Commission. The attention and care they need will be immediately assumed by the Federation of Clarisas Nuestra Señora de Aránzazu, to which they belong, as soon as possible to access the monastery, ”the Burgos religious institution has detailed.
This notification of the Briviesca Court, which has been in charge of this case, opens a new stage in the confrontation between this Catholic community. The nuns, poor sisters of Santa Clara, have reiterated their criticism against the Vatican since almost a year ago they announced their unilateral break and they were made available to a false bishop, excommunicated by the official Catholic Church: Pablo de Rojas. This was seen in the monastery and, given its category of expelled from the clergy, the archbishopric denounced that religious regulations that govern spaces like these were breached. Subsequent investigations and revelations of the archbishopric themselves have highlighted the economic and debts acquired by the religious community, which before these trouble, where they have specialized in the menu of the day and have received a wide influx of customers attracted to their popularity acquired since it transcended the case.