The name Iwo has only three letters, which makes it one of the shortest names in Poland. However, it has a long history in our country, and its meaning is interesting (related to old beliefs, strength and nature).
It used to be rare, but it gained great popularity thanks to the soap opera “Rebellious Angel”where the main character wore them. In recent years, parents are happy to choose them for their sons again.
The name Iwo has Germanic origin and it is Iwona’s male equivalent. In Poland, for the first time he was encountered in 1206. He is currently wearing 4481 men (according to data from the portal
In 2024 alone, it was given in our country up to 164 times. From the end of the 90s, its popularity lasts at a solid level, with a real record of broadcasting in 2019. 291 children received them then.
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The meaning of the name Iwo (from the Old Loganian language) is directly related to the word “Iwa”, meaning a yew tree or a bow from yew wood. For our ancestors it was a valuable raw material valued for durability, strength and reliability.
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The name Iwo is associated with strength, steadfastness and longevity. Men who wear them are numerological two, which are characterized by responsibility, leadership skills and the ease of initiative.
People in this vibration are ambitious, confident and dynamic. They like to take matters into their own hands and do not want to be limited by schemes. They are open to the world and people.
Iwo name days fall out in spring. They are celebrated on April 25, May 19 or May 20. So don’t forget to make wishes to your friend if you know a man who is called.