Complicated accounts for those who want to have their own housing. In three cities, one T2 costs almost 400,000 euros.
To comprar one casa In Portugal, it is almost always necessary to make a great financial effort. And do many math.
In the idealist accounts, which analyzed the median T2 prices in each district district and capital in the last quarter of 2024, it is even necessary to save a lot of money, taking into account the current purchasing power of families and the current median price of houses.
To buy a T2 (House with two bedrooms), it would take Saving a family’s salaries over almost 16 years. One person’s salary is not only at stake; It is really of all family aggregate.
The median price of a two-bedroom property settled in 270.789 eurosat the end of last year. That is, it is 15.7 times the 17,297 euros of annual net income of families Portuguese.
Funchal, Faro and Lisbon They surpass – and much – this 15 -year median value: in Funchal it would be necessary to save for 23.2 years, in Faro 22.8 years and in the capital 21.1 years.
Guard, with 4 year savings, Branco Castle (4.5 years) and Beja (5.1 years) are where you need to save for less time.
Still looking at the district capital cities, Lisbon is the most expensive To buy home: 484,390 euros. Follow the Funchal (439,804 euros) and Faro (396.010 euros). They are the same three cities, but for another order.
The district capitals cheaper they are: Guard (72,672 euros), White Castle (78,077 euros) and Portalegre (90,262 euros).