João Gabriel managed to save himself thanks to the victory in the round-andwhere race
Last Sunday (17), the It was defined with the participation of Gracyanne Barbosa, Eva and Daniele Hypolito. João Gabriel managed to get rid of the elimination by winning the round-blow race.
The indication of It was made by leader Guilherme, while Eva received a total of six votes from confinement colleagues. In the case of Daniele and Delma, both tied on votes, but Daniele was chosen to join the wall.
After the formation of the wall, Gracyanne used a counterattack and decided to indicate João Gabriel to Berlinda. Vinicius, in turn, exercised direct power and withdrew Eva from the round-andout race, which was eventually played between João and Daniele, with João Gabriel coming out victorious.
*Report produced with the aid of AI
Posted by Victor Oliveira