CLIESTATE PHOTOGRAPHY CONTAINING THE ZUCHONGZHI 3.0 PROCESSOR., Created by Scientists at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
China has achieved quantum supremacy with a new chip a quartilion of times (10¹⁵) faster than the most powerful supercomputers. This new prototype obtained results comparable to Google’s new QPU Willow.
Chinese researchers have developed a Quantum Processing Unit (QPU) that is 10¹⁵ of times faster than the best supercomputers on the planet.
The new 105 qubit chip prototype, nicknamed Zuchongzhi 3.0which uses superconducting quubits, was revealed in a study earlier this month in the Physical Review Letters.
The performance of the new chip rivals with the comparative evaluation results established by the latest QPU Willow da Google in December 2024, that.
As the Chinese scientists have now used the processor to complete a task in random circuit sampling (RSC) benchmark of quantum computing widely used in hundredths of a second.
The new test has been completed a million times faster than the result defined by Google’s previous generation chip in October 2024.
“Our work overthrows the boundaries of quantum computing and also establishes the Bases for a new It was when quantum processors play an essential role in approaching the sophisticated challenges in the real world, ”said study scientists, quoted by Live Science.
One of the most important and critical areas for the viability of quantum computing in the real world is the time of coherence – a measure of how long a QBIT can maintain its overlap and use the laws of quantum mechanics to make parallel calculations. Longer coherence times mean that more complicated operations and calculations are possible.
Another great improvement was the door loyalty and quantum error correctionwhich has been an obstacle to the construction of useful quantum computers.
The loyalty of the door measures the accuracy with which a quantum door performs the intended operation, being a quantum door analogous to a classic logical door, performing a specific operation in one or more quibits, manipulating its quantum state. Quibits of greater fidelity mean less accurate errors and calculations.
Zuchongzhi vs. QPU Willow
As Live Science details, the Zuchongzhi 3.0 was impressive with a 99.90% parallel door loyalty and a two -parallel door loyalty of 99.62%.
In turn, Google’s QPU Willow surpassed it slightly, with results of 99.97% and 99.86%, respectively.