Do you plant peppers? The gardener reveals what to do to make her have a lot of fruit

by Andrea
Do you plant peppers? The gardener reveals what to do to make her have a lot of fruit

Pepper cultivation can be problematic for many beginners, which is why ours decided to give some tips anonymously. He has been breeding her for years, and now he finally suggested what to do to make her grow healthy and have a lot of fruit.

Of course you don’t have to listen to him. However, it is worth taking them into account. Some advice, as to the conditions, care and planting of peppers, may surprise you, but help to get a heavy and tasteful crop from your own garden.

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Planting peppers is not as easy as it may seem. It is a thermophilic vegetable that In the Polish moderate climate it should be grown from seedlings, and this must be prepared in March. To this endand then put them in the possible sunny, sunny place.

It is best to overdo the peppers until May, when the risk of frosts passesand they will have several well-developed leaves and a minimum of 15 cm in height (after hardening 10-14 days before this surgery).

If you don’t want to wait so long, You can now decide to grow peppers in a heated tunnel. However, remember to provide plants with the right conditions. Additional lighting may be necessary.

There is still a lot of time left until the paprika is transplanted. However, it is worth preparing for this task. Remember that You must provide her with a sunny place covered from the wind.

She will feel good, e.g. near corn or sunflowerwhich will additionally protect it from strong gusts). Under no circumstances should you place cabbage, cauliflower or bean.

Place the peppers in a fertile soil, slightly acidic pH oscillating within 6-6.8. You can enrich the soil in the vegetable garden with compost or manure so that the vegetable is better adopted.

Remember to keep a distance of 35 cm between vegetables on flower beds and about 50 cm between individual rows when planting peppers into the ground. The depth of placing seedlings in the garden should be similar to that in pots.

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The gardener suggested that It is good to add a little wood ash to the ground in which the pepper is planted in the vegetable garden. Even 1 tablespoon is enough, because it is primarily about potassium and magnesium contained in this productwhich support the fruiting process. So mix the wood ash thoroughly with the ground.

You can also use egg shells, which contain a lot of calcium valuable for plants. So they will help prevent diseases, i.e. dry rot and discourage pests from feeding on the garden.


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