Do you want it to grow for Easter? It will sleep at this date, and in Christmas you will see a sea of ​​sprouts

by Andrea
Do you want it to grow for Easter? It will sleep at this date, and in Christmas you will see a sea of ​​sprouts

Cress It is a plant from the brassica family, which you can successfully grow throughout the year at home. The sprouts are a beautiful decoration of the apartment. They are healthy, perfectly blend with sandwiches, fit eggs, salads or soups (potato, broccoli or tomato cream)

However, they are the most popular in Poland during Easter. So check When and how to sow cress so that you can enjoy it in full splendor within this period.

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Easter in 2025 is not until Sunday, April 20, However, it is worth strategically planning the date of sowing cress so that it will grow perfectly for the holidays. If you want it to be fresh and appetizing, don’t do it yet.

However, do not delay too long, because it can grow for a long time. It’s best to get on April 12-14 to make sure that the cress on Easter will be lush. Will arouse the jealousy of the neighbors And it will be perfect as an addition to dishes and a beautiful decoration.

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The technique of planting cress is no less important than the date. Even if you forget to sow sprouts and do it at the last minute (up to 4-5 days before Easter), they will manage to grow, if you provide them with favorable conditions.

Prepare seeds, cosmetic cotton wool and container (plastic/ plate). Make the cotton wool gently and place with a thick layer in the selected dish. Spread the sprouts densely, moisten them regularly and wait for them to grow.

To accelerate the growth of cress, moisten its seeds in water for 15 minutes before sowing. Also remember to provide sprouts access to the sun (preferably put them on the windowsill, because they like heat).

You can also cover the cress with transparent cling film after sowing seeds for 2 days. It’s a good way to further increase the humidity and accelerate its growth.


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