Generating hawks receives R $ 125 million from business families

by Andrea

Lemann Family leads contributions, with more money promise in 2026; plan is to finance projects in slums and peripheral areas

From the donation of families from large Brazilian business groups, the NGO generating Falcões created this Monday (17.mar.2025) a fixed income fund to reinforce the financing of social projects.

Money management R $ 75 million in total It will be in the hands of the Institute Supporters Association generating Falcões, which will annually allocate 10% of its heritage for the actions that the NGO develops in slums and peripheral areas.

The Lemann Foundation, linked to businessman Jorge Paulo Lemann, is the main donor, contributing to R $ 50 million, with promise of a new donation equal to 2026.

Other families and entrepreneurs, including the Setubal (Itaú) and Marinho (Globo Group), as well as Olímpio Matarazzo (Patria Investments), Gabrielle and José Zitelmann (former BTG and co-founder of Absolute Partners), Denise Aguiar (Bradesco) and Guilherme Benchimol (XP), secured an additional contribution of $ 25 million, according to the newspaper, said the newspaper.

Edu Lyra, founder of Gerando Falcões, said she intends to raise $ 250 million by 2026 to expand the NGO shares. “I’m passing hat to help Brazil”said Lyra.

NGO projects include Falcons University, for mentoring and training; the 3D favela, focused on the revitalization of slums; and Asmara, who enables women to become salespeople with an initial clothing kit.

Lyra also stressed the importance of philanthropy to reduce social inequalities in Brazil. “Philanthropy is a very important instrument for correcting injustices in Brazil. We need to warm the philanthropic agenda, have an elite engaged from the point of view of donation ”he declared.

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