Quick wear professions are those that, due to their specific conditions, expose workers to a stress level, so high physical or emotional effort that accumulated tiredness is felt earlier than in other professional areas. Portuguese law recognizes some of these professions in Article 27 of Decree-Law 82-E/2014, in the Singular Persons’ income tax (CIRS) Code, guaranteeing them specific rights, such as the possibility of access to early reform without penalties.
More classic examples
Pilots and air controllers are two classic examples of quick wear professions. These professionals face a high level of responsibility and need to maintain concentration on extreme levels. Constant pressure and precision requirement make this activity extremely exhausting over the years.
Miners live particularly difficult work realities. They face underground conditions, low light, extreme temperatures and constant risks of accidents. Physical and emotional wear is intense, reflecting on the need for early reform.
Fishermen are also part of this group. His work involves long hours at sea, often in adverse weather conditions and the constant risk of accidents. The instability of income and the difficulty of reconciling family life with the profession contributes to the accumulated wear over the years.
Call Center workers
Call center workers face a different type of pressure. Constant contact with the public, often in conflict situations, coupled with strict goals and minute -controlled work environments, causes significant mental and emotional tiredness.
Police deal daily with risk, emergencies and psychological pressure situations. Night shifts, frequent exposure to danger situations, and the need for constant vigilance make the profession extremely demanding at physical and emotional level.
Professional Sportsmen
Professional sportsmen face an intense training routine, often since childhood, with constant pressure to improve performance and get results. The physical and mental wear caused by this continuous requirement leads to that many reform early.
Madeira’s embroiderers are another example of a profession that requires special care. The long hours dedicated to thorough work cause visual fatigue, muscle aches and other health problems, resulting in accumulated wear over the years.
Uranium works
In the case of workers of the National Uranium Company (ENU), contact with radioactive materials and hazardous working conditions justify their inclusion in the list of quick wear professions. The consequences for health are serious, making access to an early reform regime necessary.
The workers from the interior of the mines, the ore laundry and the professionals of the extraction or primary transformation of the stone face extreme conditions that require physical and mental resistance. The hostile environment and exposure to hazardous substances increase the risk of occupational diseases.
Maritime workers
Maritime workers are also entitled to a special reform regime due to working conditions at sea. Long seasons away from home, sea instability and lack of comfort make this profession extremely demanding.
Special Rights to Reform
Those who exercise these professions have special rights regarding the reform, the. For example, air traffic controllers can reform from 58 years, while miners can reduce one year for every two years of work, and may be renovated to 50 years under certain conditions.
Since January 1, 2021, these professionals have failed to suffer the 15.2% cut in the pension calculation due to the sustainability factor. In addition, requests for renovation are automatically reviewed by the National Pensions Center, ensuring that access to the pension is fairer.
Those who do not fit the professions mentioned by the law can still resort to early reform, although subject to financial penalties. Regardless of the profession, recognizing accumulated wear is an important step towards the valorization of each worker and for the construction of fairer working conditions. Thus, knowing the rights and guarantees associated with quick wear professions is critical for each professional to plan their future with more security and dignity.
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