The mayor, (-PB), appealed to federal deputies to avoid confusion and chatting in a solemn session, with the confirmed presence of authorities, which should take place on Wednesday (19) in honor of the 40 years of redemocratization.
At a leader meeting last week, Motta asked parliamentarians to behave with civility. According to reports made under reservation, he requested that the message be sent to the benches that he will not tolerate insults.
Authorities of the two other powers should attend the ceremony. The president of the (Supreme Federal Court) has a confirmed presence. The president () was expected, but is scheduled to schedule in Rio Grande do Norte on the same day. Esplanade ministers must participate in the act.
“He asked not to polarize and deal with democracy,” said União Brasil leader Pedro Lucas Fernandes (MA), author of the request for the solemn session. “The redemocratization of Brazil is a continuous process. Celebrating is to reaffirm the commitment of this house with democracy,” he said.
At the event, there will also be tribute to former President José Sarney, first to take command of the country, after 21 years of military dictatorship. He was deputy of Tancredo Neves, who died before taking office.
In the list of former presidents, only Sarney was invited.
During the leader meeting, Motta also recalled that they will be valid the new rules established for the plenary. In late February, he edited acts forbidding posters and other items in the plenary and commissions of the house and reinforcing the use of full sidewalk in these places.
The determination occurred after a confusion on February 19, when a session was interrupted by a dispute of posters and screams of the opposition and the ruling base. On the one hand, posters “without amnesty” and, on the other, “amnesty already”.
At the time, Motta said it was not loose and that it will be more combative than its predecessor, (-al), threatening punishment deputies in case of fights.
He stated that the house is not a childhood garden and said that in case of disrespect between congressmen, the presidency itself will report the case to the Ethics Council to comply with appropriate punishment.
Motta’s speech in that episode occurred after a riot in the plenary among pockets and petistas, who led Mrs Katarina Feza (PSD-SE) to end the session. Third secretary and only woman at the table, she was chairing the plenary, while Motta received congressmen in her office.
“I understand the political turbulent environment that the country faces in the face of the latest events, but I mean that if your excellencies are confusing this president with a patient person, with a serene person, with a loose president, you don’t know me yet,” Motta said, no then.
The deputies, who until then made the debate unfeasible, applauded Motta’s statement. He returned to the plenary with deputies at the table, the screams of “respect” for Katarina.
“Here is not a childhood garden, much less a place for spectacularization that denigrates the image of this house.”
The mayor compared herself to her predecessor, known for being hard in conducting the plenary, and said it will be even more “combative” and threatened to take deputies to the Ethics Council.