The Superior Court of Justice of Castilla y León (TSJCyL) has again disrupt Vox initiatives for withdrawing public financing for unions. Justice has ordered the Board of Castilla y León on Monday to pay the General Workers Union (UGT) the 743,000 euros committed. They were canceled in 2023 when the extreme right still shared the regional command with the PP, before the coalition broke last summer.
The judicial resolution adds to the one issued last week with respect to Workers’ Commissions (CCOO) in the same direction, in which it was settled that the Board should pay 1.23 million to the collective after being irregularly withdrawn. In the case of UGT, the figure obtained is somewhat lower because they did accept a subsidy of 494,000 euros dismissed by CCOO. The regional secretary of UGT, Óscar Lobo, has held the sentence as “triumph of the Democrats.”
The union representative has appeared on Monday in Valladolid to detail the opinion of the TSJCyL in the line of what happened last week with the other great majority union. Lobo has loaded against Juan García-Gallardo, former vice president of the community, and against Mariano Veganzones, head of industry, employment and commerce during the two years of the ultra-right at the Board. Both champied the crusade against labor associations and insisted on withdrawing public financing on unions between frequent insults and disqualification.
Justice has dismantled this strategy claiming that, despite the elimination of that item from the budgets of Castilla y León, there was a commitment established in the general laws. “It is a triumph of the Democrats, the community and social dialogue,” Lobo insisted. The total committed was 1.23 million, but this union accepted a direct financing line of 494,000 euros a few months ago, so that the amount is reduced, something that did not happen with CCOO, which declined that sum and has now received commitment to obtain the total agreed.
Lobo has influenced, as his counterpart Vicente Andrés with the first sentence, that the coasts of these judicial processes should cover them Gallardo and Veganzones “of their pockets”, as responsible for those measures dismantled by the courts.
The TSJCyL has given a “varapalo” to Vox policies during its coalition with the PP in the community, according to Lobo. “Closes the circle and finishes the judicial process of class unions against trimmakers and abuses of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment that was piloted by Veganzones with the complicity of Gallardo,” he added in his appearance. When the extremists broke the pact, the PP recovered the usual good relations with the unions and with the employer, which also opposed Vox’s approaches.
“Today two years of a judicial process are completed in February 2023 and the sentence recognizes that the budgets have to include a nominative subsidy,” explained the high union position with respect to the “illegality” committed by Veganzones, now out of political life. The two judicial pronouncements, which give the reason to UGT and CCOO, said Lobo, “close a black stage in Castilla y León.” Vox’s passage through the Ministry of Industry, Employment and Commerce was characterized by its constant confrontations with the unions and, which came to issue two formal requirements against the Board for its initiatives against social dialogue and business mediation services.