Kelpsi Pereira Sampaio, 31, was the victim of an accidental shot while preparing to hunt on Sunday night (16) on a rural property located in the Greba F extension, in Vila Campinas, district of Plácido de Castro, in the interior of Acre.
Man suffers accidental rural property in the interior of Acre and is transferred to the capital’s emergency room. Photo: Contilnet
According to information from the victim’s brother, Kelpsi was on rural property inside the residence when he decided to hunt. He took a .22 caliber rifle and went to a forest area, hoping to slaughter some wild animal for food.
Along the way, passing near some trees, branches arrested the gun trigger, which accidentally shot, hitting his left hand. The projectile crossed its hand, causing a laceration.
After being injured, Kelpsi returned home and asked his brother to help him, who took him to the mixed health unit of Vila Campinas. Due to the severity of the injury, the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu) was triggered and transferred Kelpsi to the Rio Branco Emergency Room. Despite the injury, its health is stable.
Accident occurred on Sunday night. Photo: Contilnet