In full pulse with Genoa and in a context of maximum pressure to resign, the president of the Generalitat, has made a movement of scope announcing a pre -agreement with Vox to approve the autonomic budgets by 2025. The president He has reported early this Monday of that principle of pact with the ultras assuming the postulates of the training of Santiago Abascal in immigration and environment, and the Vox leader has later celebrated it on his social networks. Although the last weeks have been marked by the tension between the National Directorate of the PP and its Valencian Baron, Genova claims to have been aware of the negotiations during the last weeks and endorse that pact with Vox.
The forecasts of the Valencian Government are to approve the accounts next Thursday and, after the parliamentary process, definitely sanction them around May. “I confirm that we are working on an agreement that allows us to move forward with the support of the Vox parliamentary group. Moreover, not only a budget agreement, but an impulse plan of the Valencian Community, ”said the president in an institutional statement without questions in the Valencian courts. The Plenary of the Valencian Government had gathered from 8.30 am in the Palau de la Generalitat.
The pact with the ultras gives oxygen to Mazón and allows him to continue enlapped in the Generalitat, despite the fact that the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, linked this last Friday his continuity to the development of the judicial investigation on the tragedy of the Dana. At the moment, the Judge of Catarroja who instructs the cause has strengthened the fence on the presidentwho could not cite as investigated because he is afrado, but he did call in that condition his ex -counselor of Interior, Salomé Pradas, and the former Secretary of Emergencies, Emilio Argüeso, excluding high positions from the central government.
In an extensive intervention, Mazón has thanked Vox “his sincere will” to overcome the effects of the Dana. “I want to thank this height of a view [a Vox] that we have not found in the political groups of the opposition, ”added the Valencian president, before assuming the ultra party in immigration and rejection of the European Green Pact. First, the president He has refused to host more migrants, as Vox claimed. “We will not admit illegal immigration distributions. Our centers are saturated, ”he rejected the president.
The Valencian politician has also requested the Government Delegation in the Valencian Community to “make public the total number of people detained by pillage” related to robberies in homes during the emergency of the DANA on October 29. And then he has asked that the resolution adopted by the Valencian Courts on July 11, 2024 be applied, which says that the country relative to the country of which the convicted persons are national is included in judicial statistics.
The Valencian baron of the PP has lashed out with maximum hardness after against the environmental policies of the European Union, in the same tune with the ultras. “From here we firmly support our farmers and fishermen farmers, so we reject and call action against the European Green Pact and its measures that go directly against the essence of our economy and that not only affect the primary sector, but also to the industry to the economic development of the Valencian Community,” said Mazón. “That we had to give a radical change to the poorly understood ecologism of Botànic is obvious. It is evident that some decisions inspired by European environmental laws have damaged farmers, ranchers and fishermen, as well as have weakened our competitiveness. Therefore, we will continue to say that it is unacceptable to sacrifice the interests of our producers for the sake of an environmental agenda in poorly conceived Europe. ”
The Chief of the Valencian Government has also announced an initiative to the Regions Committee that generates new support to demand that investments in hydraulic infrastructure are not conditioned by mandatory environmental criteria derived from the literal application of the Green Pact and has made an example the Valencian Law of the Huerta. “With Vox we eliminated the Consell de l’Horta, a beach bar created by the Government of Ximo Puig that not only prevented the works in the Barranco de la Saleta, but multiplied the abandonment of land,” Mazón said.
He president He has censored the attitude of the Government of Spain and has accused Pedro Sánchez’s executive of carrying out a “negligent action” and having “forgotten the victims”; And he has also charged against opposition parties, PSPV and Compromís, for his “political tacticism” and his “double inadmissible discourse.”
Just a few minutes later, the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has celebrated the words of Mazón and congratulated him for assuming his thesis. “That is the right direction: face without complexes to the green pact and the policies that favor illegal immigration,” Abascal defended in a message on their social networks. “The two issues,” he added, “they had to do with the tragedy of the Dana in its causes and in the amplification of the consequences for pillage.” “I congratulate Mr. Mazón for the value of denouncing him publicly. I am sure that with that direction the Valencian Community will have the budgets it needs for reconstruction ”.
The National Directorate of the PP has disseminated a brief statement in which it concludes the principle of agreement reached by Mazón with Vox to carry out regional budgets by 2025, and even says it endorses its content. And in those terms the national spokesman of the PP, Borja Sémper, has later spoke at a press conference after the meeting committee meeting, although juggling to support the terms of the pact. “The ecological transition is defended by the PP, the activist dictatorship, in no case,” said Sémper to justify the Chief of the Consell, who during his appearance has been shown against the European Green Pact, under which he is subsumed both Feijóo and his colleagues of the European Popular Party (PPE), with whom the faces will also be seen on Thursday in Brussels and that in April they will go to Valencia for the Congress of the PPE.
“We have said that we advocate down and reduce bureaucracy and hypergulation, in favor of the ecological transition, but not in favor of harming our farmers,” the national spokesman insisted. “The Valencians are going to have some budgets after the Dana without giving up any of the principles that the PP has historically had,” said the spokesman, who has repeated several times that these are the “budgets of reconstruction” that will give “stability” to the Valencian Community, thus trying to divert the focus of an agreement in which Mazón assumes Vox postulates. Regarding the return of minors who has also accepted the Chief of the Consell, Sémper has shielded himself in two documents: the European Pact of Migration and Asylum – which according to the spokesman “opens the expulsion option” – and the European text on return signed by the Commission, “in which the return policy and rewarded by Sánchez.”
The authorization occurs even when Genoa had been contrary to the “blackmail” of Abascal in the six autonomous communities on which it depends to approve public accounts and after recent weeks have been marked by the disagreement between the dome of the PP and the Valencian baron. In any case, despite the public defense of the entente, in private Fuentes de Genoa are not sharp and are limited to the “spirit” of the text announced in their appearance by Mazón. “We will have the opportunity to see the print small,” they allege in the Feijóo cabinet, where they claim to feel “comfortable” with the “general parameters” of the covenant, but ignore the particularities subsequently dismissed by Vox.
At noon, the first and spokesperson of the Valencian government, Susana Camarero, has defended in the appearance after the Plenary of the Consell that the only concessions that the president has made in his morning speech are to the Valencians. He has recognized that negotiations with VOX to approve the regional accounts have been piloted by Mazón and has only yielded to the interests of the Valencians and the environmental policies that do not harm their productive sectors. “The one who is yielding to the postulates of the most radical separatism is President Pedro Sánchez at the Immigration Sector Conference that takes place today,” he said in reference to the transfer of migration policies to Catalonia.
The 2024 accounts were extended
He Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana He published on December 30 the decree by which the were extended, in what was the third time in the history of self -government that a budget extension applies, after those of 1987 and 1989. There were doubts about whether the accounts by 2025 could be approved in December after in July although the catastrophe of the Dana has changed everything and it is necessary and look for support to approve them.
After 35 years in which the accounts of the Generalitat have been approved “in a timely manner”, this formula has been used, since those floods by the DANA that devastated the province of Valencia on October 29 postponed the approval of the project of budgets planned for October 31 and have not yet presented some new ones.