The Senator (-MG), quoted to take a ministry in management (PT), met with the president in Brasilia and ruled out his trip to the government. In the conversation with the petista, the former president of stated that he intends to hold his term in the house for the next two years.
Lula received Pacheco for a lunch at the Dawn Palace on Saturday (15). The two were accompanied by the current president of the Senate, (-ap), who is an ally of the Mining parliamentarian.
At the meeting, Lula did not even offer Pacheco a ministry, but asked the senator what were his plans for the coming years, according to reports collected by Sheet.
The parliamentarian would have stated that he would like to be in the Senate as a supporter of the Petista government, as well as presenting and reporting projects he considers important. Pacheco works, for example, to approve a proposal for his authorship that updates from the Civil Code.
According to the same reports, Lula agreed with the decision of the mining Senator.
This was the first conversation that Lula and Pacheco had on the subject since the miner left the Senate presidency. The senator spent a season in the US and returned to activities in Brasilia last week.
Lula would like to have Pacheco in his ministry because he considered that the parliamentarian was an important ally in the first two years of government and believing that his appointment would reinforce the positions of the government in the Senate and Minas Gerais, a strategic state for presidential elections.
Lula had been discussing Pacheco’s possible trip to the government with allies and assistants since April last year ,. The conversations have intensified in recent months, with negotiations for ministerial reform.
In addition to Pacheco’s intention to exercise senator’s mandate after four years as president of the House (2021-2025), the uncertainties about the changes that Lula intends to make in his team also made the Minas Gerais to go to the government to go.
Pacheco’s allies pointed out that he could occupy folders such as the Ministry of Justice or the Ministry of Development. The positions are held, respectively, by Ricardo Lewandowski (without party) and vice president Geraldo Alckmin (PSB), which would require Lula to make a dance of chairs that could be politically traumatic.
In the conversation in Dawn, Lula reinforced the desire that Pacheco will be a candidate for the government of Minas Gerais in 2026, with the support of petista management. The president’s goal is to strengthen the senator’s name to represent the ruling alliance at the polls, offering a stage for the eventual candidacy for Lula’s reelection to the presidency.
Pacheco resists this endeavor. According to allies, the mining senator would have decided that he will not run for reelection, but still does not know if he will run for any other position in 2026.
At the meeting with Lula, Pacheco said he will think about the possibility of running for the Minas Gerais government. For now, he pledged to work for building alliances in the state to strengthen the petista’s name.
Lula’s ministerial reform remains locked. The president has already exchanged names at the Secretariat of Communication (Sao Paulo Pimenta, Sidonio Palmeira entered), the Ministry of Health (left Nísia Trindade, entered Alexandre Padilha) and the Secretariat of Institutional Relations (Padilha Sai, Gleisi Hoffmann entered).