In the third round of the Let’s Dance show, well -known personalities showed the songs of well -known film hits.
The jurors were classic Ján Ďurovčík, Tatiana Drexler and Adam Bárdy. As a special juror, actress Gabika Marciková sat in the third round in the jury chair, who almost won the title of the Queen of the Parquet in 2023, but with her dance partner Matyáš Adamec finished second. Again, a number of well -known faces came to see the famous dance performances again in the third round. Jakub Jablonský, singer Diva Eva Máziková and beauties from the show Rose for the bride sat in the audience.
The evening was literally lit by the well -known Slovak influencer Klaudia maniak aka Justs Klauda, who came in a sinfully sexy red robe, where she revealed not only her back, But also growing pregnancy belly. The future celebrity mother was shining on the broadcast. The shots can be found in the photo gallery.
The contestants presented interesting dances. Peter Sagan and Eliška Lenčešová danced Ča-ču in the style of Indian. Kristián Baran and Dominika Rošková performed Story Mr. and Mrs. Smiths thanks to the tango. Simon Jakuš and Patrícia Piešťanská showed Tango in Pretty Woman style. Juraj Kemka and Natália Glosíková through Rumbby told the story of Forest Gump.
Marek Prakoš and Natália Horváthová danced Viennese waltz to the film GhostSimona Leskov and Vilém Shir showed Viennese waltz in the style of three nuts for Cinderella. Rachel Šoltésová Titus Ablorh transferred Slowfox as the story of the Ice KingdomZuzana Porubjaková and Jaroslav I play showed Ča-ču as a big gatsbyEva Burešová and Matyáš Adamec told the story Nosferatu Ako Paso Double. Zuzana Mauréry and Matej Chren danced Rumba in style we were we were.