José Coelho / Lusa
The former president of FC Porto, Jorge Nuno Pinto da Costa, who died at the age of 87
In December, the former Dragon President signed a New Testament where he left only one T1 apartment and some works of art to his son Alexandre.
Jorge Nuno Pinto da Costa changed his will Only two months before to die and left the son Alexandre practically without inheritance. The former president of FC Porto signed a new document on December 9, a few days after receiving CUF hospital discharge, which revoked a previous will that had been signed in October. Prior to this change, Alexandre and Joana, the two children were beneficiaries of all available.
According to, the New Testament left Alexandre Only with an apartment T1 and some pieces of art. The totality of the available quota, corresponding to one third of the inheritance, was attributed to his companion and daughter Joana. The grandson of Pinto da Costa also had the rights to use his name. The validity of the document was guaranteed by the lawyer of former President Portista, who assured that it was a decision made willingly.
In addition to the change in the will, Pinto da Costa will have SOLD THE ACTIONS who had FC Porto in the weeks before his death. The buyer was a construction entrepreneur in the Paredes region, in a business that involved thousands of euros.
The location of the money of this transaction is still unknown, and it can be a legal dispute in the future. Alexandre may judge The sharing of inheritance, as it is entitled to one third of the party reserved for direct descendants.
The relationship between Pinto da Costa and Alexandre was marked by years of removal, although the two have restored contact in the last days of the leader’s life. Already Joana has always been close to her father. Alexandre was present in all funeral ceremonies, but the disagreement history Between father and son was never fully clarified.
It is not yet known whether there are bank accounts that have not yet been discovered, nor the possible amounts that may be at stake. The license of heirs will be made by those who are considered the couple’s head, which should be Cláudia Campothe wife of Pinto da Costa.