Beginner gardeners willingly choose radishes for the garden, because they quickly germinate in cool soil and are not demanding when it comes to care. However, they will be useful to light fertilization to even better growth. We present the most important information about the cultivation of these vegetables.
You can sow from the end of February to the first days of May. On cooler days you should cover it with agrotextile. The optimal temperature for its growth is from 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. When it is higher, then the plant produces inflorescence shoots.
SIEW We carry out every several days, which will ensure a permanent harvest. We keep 20-30 cm distance between the rows. After developing the first appropriate leaves, we make a cruiser, during which we leave seedlings every few centimeters.
Radish belongs to the brassica family, so it should not be grown in places where other brassica plants had previously grown. Tomatoes can also negatively affect growth. Carrots, peas, cucumber and lettuce are a good neighborhood. The crops can be collected 4-6 weeks after sowing, depending on the variety and the conditions of cultivation.
We plant these vegetables on fertile, humus and medium light soil. In heavy soil, the roots are deformation. Plants tolerate light acidification well. If the ground is too sour, then it is worth making liming.
Radish grows best in a sunny position. In the shade it will not form thickens, but dense foliage.
It is necessary to water regularly in the cultivation of this plant – The soil must be constantly moist, but not soaked. Excess water will lead to root staining, and its insufficient amount will cause them to have a worse taste.
Before sowing radishes, it is worth feeding the soil with nutrients. For this purpose We use natural fertilizers, i.e. compost or manure – We must evenly spread a small amount of one of them on the ground.
Sometimes we can see that plants grow slowly and their leaves are pale. In this situation, it is worth supplying them with a fertilizer rich in nitrogen, but in 1/5 dose.
However, we cannot overdo it with fertilization. Remember that radishes like a slight power supplyand too much nitrogen will cause them to focus their growth on the leaves, not on the roots.