Revenge began in Syria. Who are the alauites and why they are persecuted?

by Andrea
Revenge began in Syria. Who are the alauites and why they are persecuted?

Wael Hamzeh / EPA

Revenge began in Syria. Who are the alauites and why they are persecuted?

Alauitic children refugees in Lebanon due to the escalation of violence

The rebels promised inclusion and peace, but what they gave to Syrians was a new political chaos – revenge against the minorities they supported Assad.

“They attacked us, no more, massacred us, our friends, our neighbors, our children, our family members, our in-laws, all of them were massacred,” says a woman who Camp from the Hmeimim Air Base in the Syrian region of Latakia.

It was 3 months that the long regime of Bashar al-Assad fell in Syria. After some time of relative peace, Break again conflictsremnants of the old civil war, which left marks in the population.

It all started on March 6, when a militia that supports the deposed president launched an armed attack against the Islamite forces that have now seized power. But the Shiites Muslims who are now ahead of the country have not forgiven the attacks, and fired a wave of violence against military and civilians. Who Mias suffers are the alauites. But what ethnicity is this and why are they being massacred?

From the promise of peace to “ethnic cleaning”

Alauites are a religious sect, but also a people. They are a Shiite minority in a country 90% Sunni, but they are also the ethnicity of origin of Bashar al-Assad – The Alauites were a large part of their support base and, according to, occupied top stations in the army and security agencies during the height of the dictatorial regime.

Now, however, they are being persecuted by the Islamist forces of the current regime, who had promised to overthrow the regime to establish peace in the country. The interviewed inhabitants of a village in the Latakia region, which show that this inclusion is far from being achieved.

According to the Syrian Network for Human Rights, more than 800 people have been killed in the attacks that followed March 6. Their bodies are spread throughout the villages and are deposited in ordinary ditches.

“At first, they went to the houses and confiscated the mobile phones they found… and then left the village. Then they returned and looted Our home. Then they left, ”said a inhabitant from Sanobar’s village. “And then, for the third time, they entered the house and demanded that all men leave,” he recalls.

“My father and my two brothers. My father was a 75 -year -old retired teacher ... They shot my father’s head… They shot in my brother’s heart. ” He says that his mother pointed a gun in their heads and called her “Alauite Dog.”

CNN reports that it had access to a video posted by a Syrian man with tens of thousands of followers. In the images, you see the military wearing a mask and singing “ethnic cleaning, ethnic cleaning“While walking in a house that was looted.

Wael Hamzeh / EPA

Revenge began in Syria. Who are the alauites and why they are persecuted?

Syrian Refugees Alauitas on the run to Lebanon to escape the attacks

To the media where violence is increasingly dangerous for Alauitas families to continue in the coastal cities of Latakia or Tartus, many are on escape to Lebanon, with whom the country borders south, where they live as refugees.

About 10,000 alauites are also camped at the Hmeimin Air Base, where the Russian military in Syria are located.

It is there that, in the Skynews report, a woman appeals to the world: “We need help, international help. We need international peace maintenance forces. ”

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