Slovak Foreign Policy is a hostage of the Direction’s fight with the CIS and the Republic (commentary Petr Weiss)

by Andrea

The author is a former politician and former ambassador to Hungary and in the Czech Republic.

In a dramatic international political and security situation, when we have been the biggest war in Europe in the neighborhood for three years since 1945, and the form of its termination is difficult to predict, several foreign policy gestures and statements of the most powerful ruling party have occurred in parallel in parallel in parallel.

The instinct of self -preservation of a small state in Central Europe, given by its historical experience – both by the Munich Agreement and the Vienna Arbitration in 1938, and the occupation of the Czechoslovak Soviet Union in 1968 – he commands to cooperate as closely as possible in an uncertain situation.

Not only with the nearest Slovak neighbors of Czechs, Poles, Ukrainians, but also with other European allies in the EU and NATO. Nevertheless, the chairman of Smer and the Slovak Prime Minister has made it clear that he is not interested in meetings in Paris and London, who was not invited.

Blaha provoked again from Moscow

He continued his rhetoric, established since spring 2022, and called them combat meetings of war cuts, although he had to know that it would only deepen the isolation of the Slovak Republic in its living space – the EU. And that it will miss it from discussions on strategic issues of creating security in Europe in new conditions after a fundamental change in US foreign policy.

At the meeting of the Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic for European Affairs 6th March, Robert Fico was in a dramatic tone that he would veto the European Council’s conclusions unless they have mentioned the need for a need for gas renewal through the territory of Ukraine to the Slovak Republic to the Slovak Republic and Western Europe.

On the same day, Direction Vice -President Ľuboš Blaha, who is a deputy in the European Parliament, went to Moscow once again. And he behaved literally provocative. At a meeting with the Chairman of the Foreign Committee of the State Duma, he claimed that the West is losing, Russia wins and that Europe has lost all partners, including the United States.

Russia, which all EU Member States, including Slovakia, leads on the list of enemy states, has described this senior government party as our friend. Blaha also met with the head of Russian foreign intelligence Sergei Naryškin, who by declaring “USA and elections in Slovakia” 28 September 2023 directly influenced the Slovak parliamentary elections in favor of Smer.

Kalinak would welcome the loss of Ukrainian sovereignty

He claimed that the elections could be manipulated because Joe Biden’s government intensified interference in the internal political situation in Slovakia and Progressive Slovakia chairman Michal Šimečka is an American agent. Direction used this statement to mobilize its voters with all available channels.

Ľuboš Blaha also boasted a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov and other politicians, whom he was very servile. Russia described as a free country and reiterated his phrase that it was wise, beautiful and mature.

Whoever wants to believe that it was coincidentally, but the same 6th March and another vice -chairman of Smer and also the head of the Council of Advisers Prime Minister and MEP Erik Kaliňák vigorously intervened in foreign policy. And this by saying that “if the Russians got to Uzhgorod, we would finally have a reliable neighbor who would be more trustworthy than Ukraine”.

Thus, it has been clear to fellow citizens and abroad that the government would welcome the loss of Ukrainian sovereignty. The Ukrainian side, of course, responded sharply: “A high representative of the ruling party of the neighboring state, which should have the greatest interest in preserving the independent, sovereign, strong Ukraine, openly standing on the aggressor side and wishes the occupation of the whole territory of the country.”

Gedra apologized for the Blanar

Another Vice -President of Direction Juraj Blanár, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, faced a sharp remorse of the CIS Coalition Coalition, that the Slovak Republic, together with other EU states in the UN General Assembly, voted as a resolution asking for the departure of the Russian Federation from the territory of Ukraine and confirms its territorial integrity.

The CIS chairman Andrej Danko asked the Prime Minister to explain and “immediately apologies for the UN vote.” What’s more, a high -ranking member of the Direction, Head of the Government Office and a direct subordinate Prime Minister Juraj Gedr, Blanár’s decision said that “there was a failure. From this point of view, we want to apologize for the result and misunderstanding. ”

Blanár explained these contradictions in the words that Direction is a party that, unlike others, has its plurality. ” When asked whether there is no justification for colleagues from the Direction for these steps of the Minister just a game towards the voters, Direction vice -chairman answered: “This is a suggestive question. You are trying to indicate that this is a game. ” And he justified the statements of dissatisfied colleagues by “saying them because they felt it that way.”

The statement of his colleague Vice -President Erik Kaliňák first tried to defend the interview with reference to the course of the interview, but he finally said that Kaliňák “got into the position that he expressed his opinion, which is his opinion. And this view is not the opinion of the party or the government of the Slovak Republic. ”

We have a perfect game in the direction

When the editor who interviewed him reminded him that Erik Kaliňák’s statement was described by the President of the Republic Peter Pellegrini as “top irresponsible”, and the chairman of the coalition voice Matúš Šutok called him “cheap girlfriend” an opinion. ”

A colleague of Vice -President Blah, who met with Naryskin, Blanár defended more vigorously. Asked whether he knew about his controversial meeting with the head of the foreign intelligence of the state, which described Slovakia as an enemy country, he replied that he did not think it was a controversial step.

It is a “issue of the European Parliament and its mandate” and Blaha said “he did not meet Mr. Naryskin as a representative of Slovakia, but as a representative of the European Parliament.” It was just lacking an explanation of why the prime minister was also advisor David Lindtner and why Ľuboš Blaha told only Slovakia in Moscow messages.

The fact that the aim of these activities of Direction Vice -Presidents was to address the party voters, regardless of the responses of the Allies in the EU and neighboring Ukraine, is best proven by the words of their party boss and Prime Minister Robert Fico. He will not “steer them for doing foreign policy to all four cardinal points.”

Honestly he said that he does not know why Ľuboš Blaha should apologize for meeting Naryskin when he met the President in Moscow. The fact that this is a sophisticated division of work within the party political marketing is also testified by another statement by Robert Fico: “We have a perfect game in the direction.”

The policy of the republic is bringing fruit

A fresh survey by NMS Market Research brought a note that the opposition Party of the Republic, with 8.1 percent in electoral preferences, approached the voice on the side, so to speak.

Her criticism that Direction government is doing a two -faced policy in relation to the EU and NATO IV aid Ukraine, when it has sharply multiplied the amount of ammunition and armaments that are sold there and that it does not fulfill further promises in the field of foreign and internal policy bears fruit.

It forces Direction to effectively address trimmed voters who hate the Ukrainians and their President Volodymyr Greeny, admire Putin and look up to their illusion about wonderful Russia.

Since they know well in the direction that a moderate central and center -left voter, which they had once before 2018, will never return to them, and do not have a chance to fight the opposition parties, they have to fight hard for the tribrealized voters they are shared with voice, republic and CIS.

Danko’s idiotic Western liberalism

The fact that the battle for the redistribution of these national-conservative to extreme right-wing pro-Russian voters is changing to the absurd political reality show, who comes with a more radical statement or step, brought on Sunday in a 5-minute discussion session, the chairman of the CIS Andrej Danko.

This person, whose way of life is extremely liberal, as far away from the proclaimed conservative values, has spoiled a statement on “idiot liberalism from the West” and claiming that “more believes the Russian than some Western nations”.

By believing more Russians than the closest ally in the EU, Great Britain, Norway and so on, the fifth column shows that it does not work for Slovakia but against its sovereignty.


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