Old and current prime minister appear together in the posters, where he reads “50 years of corruption, is time to say enough.”
There are reports that they began to be placed the day after: Posters do arrives, together put José Sócrates and Luís Montenegro together.
The party decided to compare the various suspicions of corruption and fiscal fraud around the former prime minister with the situation of the current Prime Minister, the Spinumviva family business.
“50 years of corruption, it’s time to say enough”It reads on the posters where Montenegro and Socrates are side by side. In some copies, André Ventura appears on top of bothhighlighted.
RIBEIRO AND CASTRO He didn’t like what he saw: “This is below the lowest that could imagine. It sets a terrible tone for this starting election campaign. ”
The former CDS-PP leader recalls that Montenegro has no accusation in court; And it is being “condemned as if it had the amazing accusations” that Socrates is targeted. “The arrival has no idea what is saying”.
The lawyer said on the radio what is the main problem of arrives: “It is exaggerated. It has exaggerated behavior. He is a person who invites someone to dinner at home and unties to insult the guest. He is a person who sets his feet on the table. ”
“And the Arrives may have beaten the limit. I feel many disgusted people with this kind of behavior, ”he said.
Ribeiro and Castro do not guess if AD, this time, will approach the arrival, but warns: “There can be no political understandings When there are these serious problems. ”
In addition to these posters, the arrival has also begun to spread others, which are portrayed at the beginning of this article: Pedro Nuno Santos and Luís Montenegro to the left, André Ventura prominently and the phrase: “They have failed for 50 years, give me an opportunity.”