Supporters make pro -Bolsonaro Act Empty in SP – 16/03/2025 – Power

by Andrea

Supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) gathered on Sunday afternoon (16) in an act emptied on Paulista Avenue, in.

Without the presence of policies or public figures, the protesters occupied less than one block of the road and were concentrated in front of the MASP (Museum of Art of São Paulo), where an inflatable doll was installed with the figure of President Lula with inmate clothes.

Estimation of the political debate monitor in the digital environment of CEBRAP (Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning) in partnership with the NGO More in Common pointed 1,400 people in the act. The measurement was performed through aerial photos taken by drones and artificial intelligence systems (AI).

A couple who arrived around 3:30 pm was surprised by low membership. “I think we arrived in the end,” said the woman. Another scholarship listened to the comment and justified: “Everyone is in Rio de Janeiro, there was no agreement whether it was to have an act here today or not,” he said, referring to the messaging groups that send the calls.

The and state deputies such as the president of Alesp (São Paulo Legislative Assembly), André do Prado (PL), in the morning, with the presence of Bolsonaro.

As in the demonstration, the supporters of the Paulista asked for the amnesty of the convicts of the scammers of 8 January 2023. Posters and T -shirts also printed phrases against President Lula and the Minister of (Supreme Court).

With no sound car, protesters used a megaphone to sing the national anthem, pray and ask the amnesty. The choirs, however, competed with the highest volume of a rock band that performed on the corner of Peixoto Gomide Street, gathering a group of people oblivious to the protest.

Forgiveness to the condemned for undemocratic acts aims to create political climate to reverse, in the future, the ineligibility of Bolsonaro himself.

() It is ineligible until 2030 due to two convictions in the TSE (Superior Electoral Court). The former president insists on presenting himself as a candidate for the Planalto Palace in 2026, betting on a legal reversal of his processes, even without any prospect of change.

Amid green and yellow t -shirts, a street vendor also sold red pieces with the symbol of the MST (Landless Workers Movement) with text changed to “workers movement without picanha”, referring to the price of meat.

Another street vendor sold T -shirts with the words: “The rice is expensive, the coffee is expensive, sends Lula to jail and brings back Bolsonaro.”

The value of food was also in his speech in Rio. “No one can handle expensive rice, expensive gasoline, the expensive egg. They promised picanha and has no egg. And if everything is expensive, Bolsonaro comes back,” said the governor.


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